Why is Jesus interceding for us?

Jesus intercedes for us

Jesus intercedes on our behalf

The Bible contains a few texts that state that Jesus is in heaven praying for us. Because he constantly lives to make intercession for them, he is therefore able to save to the fullest all who draw close to God through him, according to Hebrews 7:25 and Romans 8:34. Christ Jesus is the one who went to the cross, was resurrected from the dead, is seated at God’s right hand, and does, in fact, stand in for us. The term “interceding” or “intercession” appears in both passages.

Meaning of intercession

Intercession is the act of making a request on behalf of someone else. On behalf of everyone who has trusted in Jesus for salvation, Jesus is making a plea. “If anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous,” says 1 John 2:1. He serves as our sins’ atonement.

Only Jesus offers salvation since He is the one who gave His life in order to atone for sins. According to 2 Corinthians 5:21, Jesus took on our sins and replaced them with his righteousness. Jesus made a flawless and comprehensive sacrifice.

Why then does the Bible claim that Jesus is still making intercession on our behalf?

God is holy

It emphasizes that, as a holy God, God is impervious to sin (1 Peter 1:15,16). Even after Jesus paid the ultimate price, sin never becomes any less serious. Sin still offends God. Because of sin, everyone is guilty before God (John 3:18).

However, there is a way out of sin and a route out of God’s wrath against sin because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Christ himself is that manner (John 3:16). Romans 8:13 states, “Who is to condemn?” (Romans 8:34). God is quite entitled to condemn us. But those who put their faith in Jesus are secure. Jesus is arguing our case on our behalf, using his own sacrifice as a strong foundation, having paid the price to appease God’s wrath over sin. He is our Advocate, pointing to a historical moment that will set us free: Jesus’ own atoning [crucifixion].

Jesus is the perfect high priest

The fact that Jesus is alive and has been given permission to [serve as the everlasting, flawless high priest] is further evidenced by his intercession. High priests were appointed in the Old Testament to work on behalf of the people. In addition to praying for the Israelites, they were required to offer sacrifices for their sins (Hebrews 5:1). However, it has to be repeated repeatedly. New priests have to be appointed since old priests died (Hebrews 7:23). However, Jesus only had to make the offering once. The fact that He was then raised from the dead emphasizes the eternal significance of the atoning death He endured (Romans 6:9). Furthermore, He can never stop praying for us since He is still alive. He never stops (Hebrews)

Not only is our salvation predicated on a historical event—Jesus’ death on the cross—but also on the life and ongoing intercession of Christ. Because He never dies, He can constantly intervene. Because of this, we can approach God and the “throne of grace” with complete confidence (Hebrews 4:16). Because Jesus will always be alive and will always be interceding, anyone who come near to God can be fully saved (Hebrews 7:25).

God and Jesus are one

It is not as if Jesus must try to convince God not to punish us, like a lawyer must try to convince the judge of the innocence of his client. God is sure to view us in the light of the righteousness of his Son (Philippians 3:9). It is not as if Jesus is for us and God is against us. God desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth! (1 Timothy 2:4). But there is only one way: Jesus (John 14:6). And Jesus is the only One who can intercede for our salvation, not Mary or any ‘saint’. He is the only One who can work for us to make forgiveness and access to God reality (Hebrews 10:18-22; Hebrews 4:14-16).

Satan constantly accuses us in front of God, but Jesus’ ministry of intercession offsets his actions (Revelation 12:10). Jesus is greater than the devil. In their willingness to forgive everyone who puts their faith in Jesus and everyone who approaches God via the Son, God the Father and God the Son are one.


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