Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Indeed, He did. That is the basis of our faith. On a Friday, Jesus was crucified and His body was buried. A group of women visited His tomb on Easter Sunday, which fell on April 7, AD 30. Two days later. They were approached by angels who asked, “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He has risen, and is no longer with us (Luke 24:5–6). The ladies, His disciples, His brother James, and once even five hundred people at once saw the risen Jesus several times in the days and weeks that followed (Luke 24 and 1 Corinthians 15). He ascended to heaven after 40 days (Acts 1:4–14).

What proves this is not a fiction and is in fact history? That’s for a number of good reasons.

1. The empty tomb

The disciples declared in Jerusalem that Jesus had risen from the dead within two months of the crucifixion. Since the tomb was empty, no one could argue, “You are talking nonsense, here is His grave.”

2. The faith of the disciples

They were a miserable group with no hope when Jesus died (Mark 16:10). A few weeks later, the disciples [traveled throughout the world to proclaim that Jesus had risen from the grave] because they were so certain of it. Their lives served as a price for their conviction. Most likely, 11 out of the 12 apostles perished as martyrs. They had conversed with and seen the rising Jesus.

3. The testimony of the women

Women were among the first people to view the rising Jesus, according to all four of the gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This would never occur in a made-up story since in the ancient world, women’s testimony was not seen as reliable. However, the Bible records it this way because this is how it actually happened.

4. The conversion of James

According to the gospels, Jesus’ brothers did not share his belief (John 7:5). James, His brother, saw the resurrected Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:7). James became a church leader after accepting Jesus as his personal Savior (Acts 15; Galatians 1:19). A doubter became a believer. The reason was that he witnessed the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

5. Ancient testimony

In 1 Corinthians 15:3-5, Paul provides us with an authoritative explanation of the early church’s beliefs regarding Jesus’ resurrection.

“I have given you the greatest importance of all that I have received: that Christ died on the cross for our sins in line with the scriptures, that He was buried, that He rose from the dead in line with the scriptures on the third day, and that He appeared to Cephas before the twelve.”

24 years after the resurrection, he wrote this. But he claims to have “heard” that from others, having “received” it. This must have come to him prior to his beginning to preach, which was roughly five years following the resurrection. Since it was already a creed by then, the creed had to have been formed one to three years following the resurrection! The resurrection was the central tenet of Christianity immediately following Jesus’ life; it is not a myth developed years later.

6. Modern testimony

People recount stories about how believing in Jesus altered their lives all throughout the world. Jesus is alive today because He rose from the dead. He is also able to work in your life. You are headed to [everlasting happiness] if you allow him to be the ruler of your life.


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