What role does God’s law have in the life of believers?

You are given a new life if you put your faith in Jesus. Exuberant explanations of what that new life entails can be found throughout the New Testament. There are also cautions regarding the possibility of problems in the future. There are two ways in which you can fail to experience the joy and freedom of a new beginning. These are related to how the law of God and the new life in Christ interact.

Misusing rules

Putting your faith in laws and regulations is the first way things might go wrong. The Christians in Galatia were in grave danger because of that. And it’s still dangerous today, particularly if you’re a devout churchgoer who believes that “I go to church, so I’m good.” “I follow the rules as taught in church.” That kind of reasoning is an attempt to [gain God’s favor by abiding by the laws]. Furthermore, that is not feasible. If you believe in Jesus, it is in complete contrast to the new life that you gain by God’s grace. Paul explains this in Galatians 3:3. Are you truly so stupid? Are you now being perfected by the flesh after being initiated by the Spirit?

Misusing freedom

Saying something like “I can do whatever I want and I don’t have to stick to anything” is the second method to go wrong. However, that is also a misinterpretation of the new life. Paul addresses this error in Galatians 5:13, saying, “Brothers, you were called to freedom.” Just serve one another out of love and do not use your freedom as a means of satisfying your lusts for material gain.

Furthermore in Galatians 5:16–22: “But I say, walk in accordance with the Spirit, and you will not appease the desires of the flesh. Because they are in opposition to one another, the wants of the body and the desires of the Spirit work together to prevent you from pursuing your goals. You are not subject to the law, though, if you follow the Spirit. The fruits of the flesh are now clearly visible: immorality toward women, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, conflict, [jealousy], outbursts, rivalries, disagreements, divisions, drunkenness, orgies, and similar behaviors. I caution you once more that individuals who act in such a way will not be allowed to enter God’s kingdom.

Thus, there is a vast range of actions that are inconsistent with a life guided by the Spirit. In addition to being cautioned against sexual sins, we are also cautioned against seeking solace from other gods or spirits, having unstable relationships, disobeying God’s Word, having an unsatisfied heart, being warned against murder, and leading an extravagant lifestyle. This is the list that faces us all. Every one of these faults will have some bearing on our life. And the reason this is important to remember is that there is a grave warning: you will not inherit God’s Kingdom if you continue to live this way. In that case, God does not own you.

Guided by the Holy Spirit

Thus, believers are [led by the Holy Spirit] rather than subject to the law. However, believers do not reject God’s will as it is revealed in the law.

At first sight, the two wrong ways of dealing with the new life that God gives seem completely opposite. One way is: there are all sorts of rules that I have to follow. The other is: I do what I want, there are no rules at all. But in the end, they have exactly the same root. Whether you have one attitude or the other, in both cases you do not believe that there is much joy in obeying God. If you believe in Christ, you are set free. You walk with Him. That is tremendous joy! What such a life looks like is stated in the same chapter: “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Having faith in the Lord Jesus is all that is required to be granted that life. Have faith that He bore the curse you deserve and died in order to atone for your sins. There are two things that occur when you believe this. Both your past and your future are changing. You will be pardoned for everything that went wrong in the past. And because you evolve, so does your future. The Spirit of God becomes a part of you. In your heart, He bestows love, joy, peace, tolerance, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control.


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