How do I find joy in God?

How do I find joy in God?

The Greek root word “chara,” which meaning “to be exceedingly glad,” is where the word “joy” originates. Joy is distinct from happiness, which can fluctuate depending on the situation and the people in your immediate vicinity. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of various kinds,” James 1:2 says.How can one reconcile joy and adversity? Because satisfaction and inner serenity are related to joy. It is enduring and grounded in internal rather than external events. delight in God is this kind of delight.

Persevere through trials

What joy is there in God? “You know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance,” James 1:3–4 states. Perseverance must be allowed to do its task in order for you to be fully grown and missing nothing.As we endure hardships with God’s assistance and as our [confidence] in God grows and is reinforced, we discover delight in God.

This is clearly illustrated in the book of Philippians, written by the apostle Paul while imprisoned in Rome. He uses the words ‘joy’, ‘rejoice’, and ‘joyful’ sixteen times and teaches us how to have true contentment in Jesus Christ, despite our circumstances. In chains and aware that his life was coming to an end, Paul spoke about his faith and trust in Christ and his perspective on suffering. In Philippians 1:12-24, Paul says that because of his two-year imprisonment, the whole Roman guard heard the Gospel from him, and it had even spread throughout all of Rome. In verse 18 Paul says, “But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice”.

How to get this joy

Before Jesus was taken into custody, He talked on the importance of joy for Christians, saying, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”(John 15:11)

Let’s look at what Jesus said in order to understand how we can experience His delight within us:

  • Stay with me, just as I stay with you. No branch can produce fruit on its own; it needs to stay attached to the vine. You cannot produce fruit unless you stay in me. You are the branches and I am the vine. You will bear abundant fruit if you stay in me and I stay in you; you cannot accomplish anything on your own.(John 15:4-5)
  • “I have loved you as much as the Father has loved me. Stay in my love for now. You will always be in my affection if you obey me, just as I have obeyed my father and am still in his love.(John 15:9–10).

Let us examine what it means to’remain’ in the vine first. Observe that in the natural world, the branch entirely submits to the vine and lives solely for its benefit. Jesus desires that we live for Him and submit to Him in a similar manner (verse 4). Secondly, we must rely on Him. In the absence of the vine, the branch is powerless. According to verse 5, God can only work through us when we are nothing in ourselves. Third, verse 9 tells us to rest in His love; fourth, verse 10 commands us to obey Him.

It is crucial that we experience joy in our life. We cannot be trustworthy witnesses for Christ if we do not.


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