What does God teach us in Isaiah?

The book of Isaiah

Yesha’yahu, the Hebrew name for Isaiah, means “the Lord Yahweh saves.” He was a divine prophet in Judah who foretold during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (739–681 BC) (Isaiah 1:1). The timeline of Isaiah’s prophesies is not limited to his lifetime. They actually cover the entire history of this earth, ending at the end of time [when Christ returns].

The calling of Isaiah

God called Isaiah into ministry the year that King Uzziah died (Isaiah 6:1-13). Judah became very prosperous under Uzziah’s reign. However, because of injustice and corruption this increase in wealth was not enjoyed by everyone with the contrast between the rich and the poor reaching an alarming state. The focus of the first thirty-nine chapters of Isaiah is the soon-to-come judgement of God upon Judah. You can’t just do as you please and get away with it. That’s the first lesson we learn from Isaiah. The people of Judah had turned their backs on God. As far as God was concerned they were ‘a brood of evildoers’ (Isaiah 1:4). What displeased Him most was their pretence of holiness when their temple sacrifices meant nothing (Isaiah 1:11-16). We can’t fool God. He knows everything that we do including our motives and the attitude of our heart.

The salvation that God offers

But Isaiah also tells us about God’s offer of salvation: “I will praise you, O LORD; though you were angry with me, you have comforted me. Your anger has turned away.” God is undoubtedly my salvation; I will put my trust in Him and not fear him (Isaiah 12:1-2). People will be convicted of their sin and turn to God to save them when they are receptive to God. And He’ll deliver them. Isaiah 65:17–66:24 states that while those who continue to resist will face judgment, those who continue to be faithful to God will live on into the new world He has prepared for His children in the end times.

The fact that Jesus Christ appears in the book of Isaiah may be what Christians value most about it. It gives us the most complete [messianic prophecy] found in the entire Old Testament. Isaiah declared:

  • His arrival: “A voice of one calling: ‘Make straight a highway for our God in the wilderness; prepare the way of the LORD in the desert.'” And all of humanity will witness the manifestation of the LORD’s magnificence. Because the LORD’s mouth has spoken (Isaiah 40:3-5).
  • “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and he will call him Immanuel,” according to Isaiah 7:14, describes his virgin birth.
  • “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor,” he said, proclaiming the good news. He has sent me to comfort the grieving, to announce freedom for the imprisoned, and to set the prisoners free from the grip of darkness (Isaiah 61:1).
  • His atoning death: “But he was crushed for our sins, pierced for our transgressions; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and we are healed by his wounds.” All of us, just like sheep, have strayed and chosen our own path; therefore, the LORD has borne the burden of our collective sin. Because of this, Jesus made intercession for the transgressors and took on the sins of many (Isaiah 53:1–12).
  • “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you,” is the statement that describes His return to claim His own. “Kings will come to the brightness of your dawn, and nations will come to your light” (Isaiah 60:2-3).

Gospel in the Old Testament

As a result, one of the Old Testament’s most lucid presentations of the gospel may be found in Isaiah. We should be punished since we are sinners. However, if we just turn to Him, [God grants us redemption]. We are not to persist in sin once we are adopted into God’s family, unlike the people of Judah. Next, let us reflect on our life, confess our transgressions, and make an effort to live as God’s obedient children.


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