Was Jesus born of a virgin?

Was Jesus born from a virgin?

According to Christian creeds, Jesus was born of the “virgin Mary.” Why do Christians think this? And why is it crucial to comprehend Jesus’ identity?

Miracles and supernatural occurrences

First of all, there were many miracles and paranormal activities during the time of Jesus’ birth. Luke records the unexpected conception of an elderly childless couple (Luke 1:7,13,24), the appearance of angels (Luke 1:11,26, and 2:9), a mystery star, the direction of Bethlehem for eastern scholars (Matthew 2:1, 9–10), and so forth.

It should not come as a surprise to us that these wonders accompanied Jesus’ arrival if, as Christians believe, He was actually God taking on human form. Additionally, Jesus’ conception from a young lady who was engaged but hadn’t had sex yet is one of the story’s supernatural features.

Nothing is impossible with God

Luke 1: 26–38 has the most detailed account of the story. Mary is a typical country girl who sees an angel. He says she will give birth to the long-awaited King who will “reign forever” because she has gained God’s favor. Mary acknowledges the realities of life, however she does not object. She queries how this is achievable given that she is still virgin. The angel responds that since God himself will be the source of this pregnancy, the kid will be referred to as the “Son of God.” “Nothing is impossible with God,” the angel says in conclusion.

God’s own doing

But just picture sharing this story with your loved ones or your fiancé! Who would have thought that? Maybe she didn’t even tell him. Because he believes she is seeing another guy and doesn’t want to bring her to public shame, he eventually finds out she is pregnant and wishes to end their relationship privately (Matthew 1:18–25). But God assures Joseph in a dream that Mary has not been unfaithful and that God alone is responsible for her pregnancy. The story in Matthew adds that he did not have sex with Mary until after she gave birth to Jesus. He then takes her to be his wife.

Completely unique

Jesus’ virgin birth demonstrates His uniqueness, which is crucial to our understanding of Him. God’s might, not a man’s deeds, was responsible for his birth. He had no earthly father as He was the Son of God. He was entirely God and fully man at the same time. Unlike all of us, he was not born a sinner. And in a dream, God informed Joseph, “You are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save people from their sins.” Thus, He was born a Savior (Matthew 1:21).

Do you acknowledge Him as the Son of God and accept Him as your Redeemer? Do you think the Christmas miracle exists?

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