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Why is it so important to be a child of God?

You are a child of God if you have faith in Jesus. What is the meaning behind that? What are the advantages of being our Father in heaven?

God loves you

The universe’s Creator, who created both heaven and earth, loves you. How unique is that? What is the number of stars in the universe? Try counting the number of sand grains in a teaspoon of sand. Next, consider the total number of sand grains in the entire universe.

It is likely that there are more stars in the cosmos than there are sand grains on Earth. The universe is created by God, who also rules over it. He watches you over in that vast world. He is aware of you. He notices you. He cherishes you. You have a father.

Remember the cost your father paid to become your father if you ever have any doubts about His love. God’s only begotten Son gave His life in order for you to be accepted as His child. In order for us to always be loved by Him, the Father withdrew His love from His Son, who cried out, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?”

The account of Abraham, who had to sacrifice Isaac, is told in the Bible (Genesis 22). It is difficult to accept that God ordered him to permit the death of his only Son. We can barely handle the story since we are aware of the depth of parental love. At the last second, Isaac was saved.

However, God sent His own Son to die centuries later. Jesus was not saved in the nick of time. He passed away. He obtained eternal life for those who believe in Him in this way. You are loved by God to that extent.

God takes care of you

As long as he is able, a father provides for his children’s needs by, among other things, ensuring that they have all they need. Fathers, however, fall short in this. I know I haven’t been perfect, but I’ve tried my hardest for my kids. Fathers in the human race are not perfect.

However, same restrictions do not apply to the Lord God. He looks after you. He provides you with all you need to survive, including luxury you can indulge in and the ability to breathe, eat, sleep, and clothing yourself. He is such a fantastic father! Of course, His immense power begs the question, “What if things do go wrong?” When my career ends, my health deteriorates, or relationships go awry? Then there are some absolutes.

God loves you and has not forgotten you, first and foremost. Second: [He has the ability] to resolve your issue. That implies that He is working on a different project. It’s not always visible to us. However, the reason behind it is always the same: the Lord God does not want us to be content with what this world has to offer. Regardless, never question this: He looks out for you. He provides for your immediate needs while also preparing you for a much more magnificent afterlife than you can currently fathom.

You belong to God

You belong to God’s family as one of His children. If you are God’s child, you will exclaim, “Abba, Father.” You speak with Him. You offer Him prayers. You pay attention to His Word. To Him, you sing. Alongside His family, the church, you unite. You are His property. You can also anticipate that He will respond when you call to Him. Through the Holy Spirit that He has poured forth into your heart, He will lead you.

You are like God

You resemble Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That does not occur in one go. Over the course of your life, you change. We resemble the Lord Jesus more and more as we grow up in faith. It is also a component of being God’s child. You start to look more and more like your family.

Being a child of God gives you certainty

If your father and your mother have not lovingly accepted you as their child, this will affect the foundation of your life. It is very difficult to get over that. But you have a Father in heaven who will never forget you, who will never disappoint you, who will never let you down and who will never write you off. That is why you can go through life with joy. You are not dependent on the approval of your employer. You are not dependent on the approval of people around you. You are not dependent on the approval of the boys or the girls. You are not dependent on the approval of your sports trainer. You are not even dependent on the approval of your earthly parents.

The Creator of heaven and earth, the Lord God, loves you. You’ve been accepted by him. Even when you sinned, He still loved you. You don’t have to win His favor. All you have to do is accept His love.

You are an heir

The Bible uses the word “heir” in a unique way. What good is it to be God’s heir? God is eternal, after all! No, but it is your own death—not God’s death—that bestows the inheritance that God offers. After that, you reach paradise. And you shall reign with Christ on the new earth at the end of this world. You have been inherited with an eternal grandeur. Being a child of God is therefore very significant for eternity in addition to being essential right now.

It is the greatest blessing to be God’s child. Let your identity come from your trust in Jesus Christ.

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