How to deal with doubt?

Being a Christian and having doubts could be very unsettling. You could question whether you can have doubts or perhaps fear that God will punish...

What is spiritual growth?

Your relationship with God begins the instant you accept Christ as your Savior. God has vindicated everyone who has trusted in Jesus Christ and accepted...

Why spend time alone with God?

An essential component of the Christian life is time spent with God. Without it, we resemble dead or dying wood that has been severed from...

What is living according to the Spirit?

Many people believe that Romans 8 represents the pinnacle of the Bible. The epistle to the Romans has been compared to the Bible’s Himalayas. And...

Who are the “enemies of the cross”?

Naturally, some individuals will gladly point to the crucifixion of Christ in response to the question, “Who is an enemy of the cross of Christ?”...