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Why do I not experience Jesus?

Man in fog

This is a personal question, and I believe that many individuals struggle with it, even though I am unaware of the specific circumstances or expectations of the asker.

What is your expectation?

Initially, for everyone who struggles with this matter: make an effort to respond to a few questions about yourself. When you state that you do not or cannot experience Jesus, what precisely do you mean? What kind of relationship do you hope to have with Him? Perhaps you long to hear from heaven or see blatant signs of His presence in your life. Should this be your aspiration, you will most likely be let down.

Spending time with Jesus

Jesus desires to speak with you [via His message] as one method. If you sense like He is far away, schedule some time to read the Bible. Postpone chores and appointments and take your time. Not once, but on a regular basis. If you enjoy listening to music, [search for songs] that share truths about Jesus. According to John 16:13, the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth and assist you in comprehending the Bible and locating Jesus inside it.

Take Mary as an example. Martha, the sister of Maria, invited Jesus inside the home (Luke 10:38–42). Mary then takes a seat at Jesus’ feet and begins to hear Him out. Martha requests Jesus to give Mary the order to assist her in preparing the meal. However, Jesus’ response is not what Martha was expecting: He declares that Mary has selected the best portion, which will remain with her. The Lord Jesus Himself values [hanging out with Jesus] more than accomplishing tasks for Jesus!

Invite Jesus into your life!

Examine the stories in the Gospels about Jesus’ interactions with individuals. Examine Levi’s calling in Luke 5:27–32. Levi was a tax collector, meaning he most likely made a good living. Levi simply left everything and followed Jesus as He called him to follow Him as He passed by. And without delay, he invited all of his friends to a celebration he was throwing in honor of Jesus. So he made Jesus an invitation to live!

Do you sincerely adhere to Jesus? Alternatively, do you still hold onto sins that keep you from feeling Jesus’ presence in your life? Does Jesus enter your life unconditionally, or does He merely enter a small part of it? The Bible contains this lovely verse: “Here I am! (Jesus says) I knock and stand at the door. I will come in and eat with him, and he with me, if anyone hears my voice and unlocks the door (Revelation 3:20). Jesus can enter if you open the door wide enough. Remember, Jesus will never push Himself upon you. He calls and knocks, but He waits for your answer.

Take a moment to reflect on your life from the beginning of your Christian journey. Has anything changed since then? How is your relationship with Jesus going? Have you made an effort to obey Him and walk in His shoes? Has there been a shift from living a life of sin to one that is [producing spiritual fruit], as Galatians 5:19–26 describes? You can conclude that Jesus is truly present in your life if such is the case.

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