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How can we walk “the way that leads to life”?

the way that leads to life

Jesus outlines two stages for our life’s journey that we might follow if we desire to walk with God: “… because the gate is narrow and the way that leads to life is hard, and those who find it are few” (Matthew 7:14).

The small gate represents placing our confidence in Jesus Christ, and it is the first step toward walking with Him.

Because of what God accomplishes, the Bible refers to this stage as “being saved” or “being born again” (see John 1:12–13; 3:1–8). “The way” represents the subsequent new life.

Active, not passive

A passive state is not necessary for salvation, as “in Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28. That suggests constant motion, advancement, and [development].

“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day,” according to Proverbs 4:18.

Should that be our goal, it necessitates [complete submission] and commitment. As such, we concede that God is entitled to be involved in all facets of human existence. Our choice to fully and unconditionally submit is our own. it is what true discipleship entails, and it is what he asks of us.

He can therefore freely make the required adjustments to the way we think and act. Romans 8:7 and Isaiah 55:8–9 both remind us that God has refreshed our “old thinking,” which is at odds with His. Then, God’s and His Kingdom’s interests will take precedence over ours. I also want what God desires. “Lord, establish your kingdom!”

Not by our own power

How can we accomplish that aim? Our own efforts are insufficient. We require a stronger force, and that force is the [Holy Spirit’s] strength. According to Zechariah 4:6, “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.”

God’s Word has a connection to the Holy Spirit. We view the Bible as dead letters in the absence of the Holy Spirit.

We must receive God’s Word with humility and openness to learning before we may hear Him communicate to us through the Bible (James 1:21). Jesus uses a little child in Mark 10:14–15 to illustrate how we should accept the truth of God’s Kingdom. We have to set aside everything that goes against God’s Word in order to be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Being led by the Spirit

Knowing God’s Word is not the only thing that makes us reliant on the Holy Spirit. Since “all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God,” the Holy Spirit is also the God-appointed guide who leads us on the narrow path (Romans 8:14). We shall be able to walk with certainty in the path that the Holy Spirit demonstrates to us as we grow more receptive to His instruction.

We can always ask the Holy Spirit to show us what else we need to let go of in order to receive His guidance, so that we can stay on that path. Sins, both conscious and unconscious, obscure our perception of His guidance; Isaiah 59:2 states that “your sins have hidden His face from you.” However, as we acknowledge our transgressions, we are given a clearer picture of the path He has for us.

The best path

The best way for us to completely appreciate God’s blessing in this life is to walk with Him on this route. Many people who have traveled this path may attest to that experience!

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