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What happened during Jesus’ silent years?


Matthew chapters one and two and Luke chapters one and two both tell of the birth of Jesus. Then, in Luke chapter 2:41–52, we read about an incident that happened when Jesus was twelve years old. And in verses 51 and 52, this event concludes.”He followed them to Nazareth and obeyed them; as a result, Jesus gained stature and wisdom as well as favor with both God and people.”

Jewish boy

Not much is known about what Jesus really accomplished between the age of twelve and the start of His career. Therefore, all we say about this topic can only be based on the lives of Jewish boys and a few brief allusions to Jesus’ life.

We know that Jesus grew up in a normal human family, and had brothers and sisters. His father was a carpenter, so as soon as He was considered to be old enough, He too entered the family business in Nazareth and became a carpenter. “Isn’t this the carpenter?” (Mark 6:3), people asked. He would no doubt have classes in Hebrew and would have heard discussions and teaching week by week at the synagogue in Nazareth where He would have gone on the Sabbath days. Nazareth was a very small village: about 35 families lived there in Jesus’ time. And it was looked down upon by most people. “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:47) was a statement by Nathaniel before actually meeting Jesus, but he later became a disciple of Jesus.


Jesus would have been obliged to visit Jerusalem three times a year as a male Jew. In accordance with Deuteronomy 16:16’s directive, observe the three most significant festivals:

  • Passover and the feast of unleavened bread – March /April;
  • The feast of Weeks/Pentecost – May/June;
  • The feast of tabernacles — September/October.

It is highly improbable that Jesus would have gone anyplace else other from that. Few people outside of Nazareth would have been familiar with Jesus, so they were taken aback when He unexpectedly showed up and started teaching and doing miracles. His own village responded in surprise. How did this man come get these items? What wisdom has been bestowed upon Him? (Mark 6:2).

Beginning of Jesus’ ministry

At thirty years old, a Rabbi was seen as mature and qualified to instruct. At thirty years old, the Levites started their official service (Numbers 4:2). Therefore, it is not unexpected that the Son of God, the Great High Priest, the Great Teacher, would start His earthly career at this age.

Read more in What is the Bible?
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