When will Jesus return?

When all of the prophecies mentioned in Matthew 24:14—“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to...

Why did Jesus have to become man?

A cornerstone of Christianity was articulated by the apostle John: “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14). The great mystery that God the Son, the Second...

Why was Jesus circumcised?

Because Jesus was an offspring of Abraham, He underwent circumcision (Matthew 1:1–18). Being devout Jews, his parents brought him to be circumcised on the eighth...

Is Jesus our best friend?

One approach to respond to this would be: You won’t get much benefit by being friends with Jesus. In the entire Bible, Jesus refers to...

Why did Jesus have to die?

This universe was full of life when it was created, as were its inhabitants. Although God did not create death, He did foretell it to...