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Does God love me?

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God does indeed love you. This world was made by God. He made the world in order for individuals to be able to have relationships with Him. You are among the individuals that God had in mind when He made the world. God “declares… from ancient times things not yet done,” according to Isaiah 46:10. He is even more aware of the things and people that will endure through successive generations. You are not a coincidence. God had you designed. The name Adam refers to the first man (Luke 3:38). Everyone is “God’s offspring,” according to Acts 17:28. As a result, everyone can be thought of as children of God. All of God’s children are loved, and He desires the best for them. You are included in that.

God’s love for everybody

God’s Word tells us that God loves people in numerous areas. “Because God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life,” is the most well-known verse in the Bible (John 3:16). This illustrates God’s love for everyone, not just for deserving or exceptional individuals. A other scripture highlights that God’s love is independent of our actions: Romans 5:8 says, “God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

God’s love for individual people

Though they speak in a general sense, these are incredibly uplifting verses. Does God love me personally if He loves “the world” or “sinners“? Is He aware of me, is He aware of me, is He concerned about me? The Bible demonstrates how very personal God’s love is. God was present while you were formed in the womb (Psalm 139:12-16).

The numerous answered prayers found in the Bible are the most convincing evidence of God’s love for each and every one of us. To name a few instances: In Judges 6:36–40, Gideon prayed to God for a sign to let him know that God had called him. Hannah prayed for a child, and he granted her wish (1 Samuel 1:10–20). He granted Elijah’s request to bring the dead kid back to life (1 Kings 17:22). Hezekiah’s plea for recovery was granted by God (2 Kings 20:1-11). And He granted the church’s request to have Peter released from custody (Acts 12:5–17). You can be confident that God, like He did with all these people from the Bible, is personally interested in you.

Do you love God?

But there is another side to this. God’s care is for everybody: “He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good” (Matthew 5:45). Yet being God’s offspring in the sense that He has created us, is not enough to be saved. Jesus loved a rich young man who came to visit Him (Mark 10:21). Yet the man left Jesus, and there is no indication he was ever saved. God’s love goes out to you. He gave His Son so that everybody who believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life. And that includes you. But you will still perish if you do not believe. So the question is not: does God love you? The question is: do you love God?

You will know God’s love for you firsthand only when you return the favor. A bucket won’t fill if it is placed outside in the rain while it is upside down. God is prepared to shower you with love in the same way, but you have to be open to receiving it. The most amazing miracle of all is that God prepares us to receive it. As He pours His love into our hearts, He holds the bucket upright (Romans 5:5). Do you find yourself wishing for that?

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