How can I become a Christian?

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How Can I Convert to Christianity? The same question is asked in somewhat different language in the Bible. A jailor questioned Paul and Silas in Acts 16:30–31, saying, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved,” was their response. So, to put it succinctly, the requirement to become a Christian is to have faith in the Lord Jesus. Let us explore that further.

1. Who is the Lord Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was sent by God the Father to become one of us, a human being (although at the same time still the Son of God). His mission was to create a way for us humans to get right with God again. For that purpose, He died at the cross for our sins, but rose again on the third day and is now in a position of glory at the right hand of God the Father in heaven. At the end of time, Jesus will return on earth to judge humanity and to create a new earth where He will dwell forever with all who have believed in Him. He is the King of the Universe, which is why Christians call Him “Lord”. For more detailed information about Jesus, see this article.

2. What does it mean to believe in Jesus?

It takes nothing except [faith] in Jesus Christ to be saved. Accepting the above-summarized fundamental truths about Jesus and His mission is what it means to believe in Him. Jesus is more than just a sage mentor or a model of moral behavior. As seen by Revelation 1:17–18, he is the Son of God who took on human form, died on the cross, and rose from the dead to live forever. Faith is more than just acknowledging these facts; it’s about putting our faith in the Lord Jesus and submitting to Him. An intimate relationship is necessary for this trust.

3. What does it mean to be saved?

Jesus clarifies in John 3:16: “Because God loved the world so much, He gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.” There’s so much on the line! In contrast to this, if we live in rebellion against God, we will inevitably “perish“; nevertheless, to be saved is to receive eternal life as a free gift. Believers are released from the grip of sin and evil in their life in addition to being spared from an eternity in hell. The process of “sanctification” is ongoing. Lastly, individuals are also released from the brokenness brought about by sin, including bodily death and illness, after their earthly lives are done.

How can we get this faith?

In actuality, it is a gift from the Holy Spirit that He yearns to bestow upon each and every person. Even if we may not fully comprehend what this means, the Holy Spirit recreated us when we begin to trust in the Lord Jesus. According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, we are reborn. The Holy Spirit bestows onto us this faith, which motivates us to lead holy lives. However, our former selves remain, capable of smothering the Spirit. For this reason, Christians can and will continue to sin. However, we are obligated to love and submit to Christ as our new king. A true believer will always seek to go back to Christ.

This message is freeing! We are not required to (and cannot) purify ourselves of sin. We don’t have to give up when we commit sins, even if after we believe we are expected to be pure and sinless. The fact is that even though it will make us sad, Christians will still sin. However, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, we are saved and will remain saved!

Believe in the Lord Jesus!

We are saved by faith through the grace of God the Father, who sent his Son, God the Son, who gave his life in our place, and God the Holy Spirit, who lives within us and always draws us back to Christ.

How Can I Convert to Christianity? “Have faith in the Lord Jesus.”


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