What does it mean to be born again?


“Nicodemus questioned him, ‘How is it possible for an old man to be born?'” Can he enter his mother’s womb a second time and become a baby? “Truly, truly, I say to you, a person cannot enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit,” responded Jesus. (John 3:4-5)

Despite being a renowned religious scholar and “the teacher of Israel,” Nicodemus is unable to comprehend what Jesus is referring to when he talks about “being born again.” After all, isn’t it impossible for an adult to conceive again inside of his mother’s womb? There are undoubtedly others than Nicodemus who are unaware of this. Watch to see what response Jesus gives.

Jesus uses the idiom “being born of water and the Spirit” from the book of Ezekiel to illustrate what he means when he talks about “being born again.” Nicodemus had to be familiar with this book, in which God makes the following promise: “I will shower you with clean water, and you will be cleansed of all your impurities.” And I will give you my Spirit so that you will obey my laws (Ezekiel 36:25–27).

One uses the idea of washing with water to represent spiritual purification. Thus, to be born of water and the Spirit is to be born again by the power of the Holy Spirit, freed from sin, and to have your will changed to reflect God’s desire. We require both the cleansing from our sins and the healing from our sinfulness that come with this spiritual rebirth.

Are you born again?


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