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Biblical vocabulary: שׁמע (To hear and to obey)

Shama and the different meanings

In Biblical Hebrew, verbs with many meanings are frequently seen; these meanings are typically derived from a common basic meaning and might be complementary to one another. The verb “shama” (㬪آ) belongs to this group of verbs and is generally translated as “to hear.” The core meaning of the verb “shama” therefore alludes to hearing and suggests auditory experience.

But when it comes to hearing words, the intellect gets engaged, and listening then becomes “shama.” An illustration of this can be seen in the account of the incident in [Sarah’s life] where she hears someone discussing a Divine promise and, according to Genesis 18:10, her hearing turns into understanding listening, to which she reacts inwardly.

However, “shama” also refers to the following: perceiving, heeding or lending an ear, paying attention, listening, and answering prayers. As a result, it is clear that “shama” has several different meanings.

Shama and to obey

The dichotomy in meaning of “shama”—to hear and to obey—is significant. The fact that obeying results from “hearing” or “heeding/giving ear” is an instructive difference in meaning. We can learn a profound spiritual lesson from this. How many times must the Lord say to us, His people, “You disobeyed the Lord your God’s commands and did not believe Him or “shama”/hear/obey/His voice”?(Chapter 9, Deuteronomy 23). This crucial life lesson, “Behold, “shama”/to obey is better than sacrifice,” pertains to us without exception.Samuel 15:22. Because He wishes to bless us, the Lord calls out to us again and again, saying, “… “shama”/obey/hear My voice, and I will be your God.”(Jeremiah 7:23).

Shama and the relationship with learning and doing

There is a clear relationship between “shama”/hearing, learning and doing. This is especially evident in the Bible book of Deuteronomy. For example, the Lord had said, “And now, O Israel, shama/listen to the statutes and the rules that I am teaching you, and do them …” (Deuteronomy 4:1). “… that I may let them shama/hear My words, so that they may learn to fear Me …” (Deuteronomy 4:10). ““Shama/hear, O Israel, the statutes and the rules that I speak in your ears today, and you shall learn them … that they may do them …” (Deuteronomy 5:1; 5:31). Like Israel, we too must realize that all of God’s people – men, women, the youth, the elderly – are called to submit to God’s Word “… that they may shama/hear and learn to fear the Lord your God …” (Deuteronomy 31:11-13). The spiritual learning process begins with the “shama”/hearing of God’s Word. When this “shama”/hearing also becomes and is obeying, then one also learns to do God’s Word by living and acting according to it.

Shama and God’s answering prayers

The Lord God [hears their prayers] incessantly. Thus, “answering prayers” is the meaning of the word “shama.” This has to do with God Himself. When a person cries out to the Lord, He hears them and intervenes to save them. As David once said, “This poor man cried, and the Lord “shama”/heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.” See Psalms 34:6–34:18. Now, everyone who has ever been aware of their sin and total and total ruin before God, cried out to God, and accepted His salvation via trust in Christ, can join the psalmist in singing, “Blessed be the Lord! Because He has “shama,” or heard, my cries for mercy.(Psalm 28:6). It is certain that “O you who “shama”/hear prayer…”(Psalm 65:2).


[1] The verb “shama” has áyin, a guttural letter, as its final root letter. This letter is not pronounced in this context, and as a result, it is not translated in this article (in the transcription).

© Copyright dr. Annechiena Sneller-Vrolijk

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