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Biblical vocabulary: Obedience

According to Genesis 6:22, “Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him.”

This week, instead of concentrating on a single Hebrew word, we will examine a key biblical concept: obedience. The numerous examples of persons whose lives might be considered to be marked by obedience to the Lord God highlight “obedience” as a biblical concept. This always entails obedient obedience grounded in trust in God as the Provider of life, support, and direction. These instances of obedience from the Bible show us that obedience is a willing, committed response to God’s Word.

Obedience and relationship with God.

The Bible makes it very clear that obedience is crucial to a believer’s [connection with the Lord God]. This is already covered in the account of Noah in the Bible, who offers us a powerful illustration of the obedience to faith that is essential to his relationship with the Lord. The passage basically says that God is declaring that the deluge will occur in retaliation for human wrongdoing.

He now gives Noah the order to construct an ark in order to save himself. The response from Noah is succinct and highlights the crucial point: “Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him” (Genesis 6:22). The subsequent chapters, which tell how God saves Noah and his people, blesses them, and establishes a covenant promising never to bring a flood upon the earth again, highlight the significance of Noah’s obedience (Genesis 9:11–13). This serves as a symbol of the covenant I have made. My bow is now in the cloud.

Following Noah, Abraham stands out as an illustration of faith-filled obedience. God will fulfill his promises to Abraham to bless him and make his descendants a great nation through Abraham’s obedient attitude and response when God invites him to go to Canaan. Genesis 12:1-4 states, “So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.” The way that Noah and Abraham related to God is striking in these cases. In this connection of faith with the Lord, He demands obedience to His words and directives from His servants.

Loving, devoted obedience

This elderly father is willing to comply when God asks him to give Him his beloved son Isaac (Genesis 22), believing that God will ultimately make him a powerful nation (Genesis 12:2). Abraham demonstrated what he was capable of in terms of his love and commitment to God through his unwavering obedience based on trust. The Lord demands loving, obedient obedience from his own.

Saul’s life was so completely different from this. Despite God’s order to banish everything, this king permitted his warriors to save the best animals in order to offer them up to God after defeating the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:3, 15). Then the Lord has Saul declare this lesson to the rest of us as well: “Behold, obedience is preferable to sacrifice.” Samuel 15:22. That is obedience founded on total submission to the will of God and fidelity to His Word. This is now applicable to believers without discrimination!

Obedience and “shama”/to hear/to listen

“Hear therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them,” declares the Lord. and “Listen, O Israel… You must have an unwavering love for the Lord, your God. (Leviticus 6:3-5). The verb “shama,” which occurs twice and means “to hear” or “to listen” in Hebrew, also means “to obey.” This is how we ought to interpret God’s Word: pay attention and follow! Compare “Hear/Listen, Israel” (Deuteronomy 4:1–2).

Obedience and God’s Blessing

God demands compliance for a magnificent reason. The Lord God utilizes obedience as a way [to benefit the believer]. Moses and the Israelites were already told by God on Mount Sinai, “…if you will indeed obey My voice… you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” (Exodus 19:5–6). The verb “shama,” which means “to hear,” recurs in verse 5 and now means “to obey.” Obedience is necessary in order to hear (shama) God speak.

There is a definite link in a relationship with the Lord God between blessings and obedience to Him. However, obedience cannot come from merely accepting God’s favor; it must come from love.

Jesus’ example

Our Savior is the best and most remarkable example of unwavering obedience. He fully submitted to God’s plan out of love for God and lost sinners, dying a horrible death on the cross in our place: “.. as You will.”Matthew 26:39. For this reason, the song “Jesus Christ… He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death” is sung about Him. (See Philippians 2:5-8.)

His willingness to obey inspires us to voluntarily follow His example and be faithful to our calling. This entails listening to and following God’s Word.

“We will carry out all that the Lord has commanded.”(Exodus 19:8).

© Copyright dr. Annechiena Sneller-Vrolijk

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