What does the Bible say about being single?

What does the Bible say about being single?

This is a subject that is sometimes misunderstood by Christians. Everyone has been single at some point or another, and from early teenage years and upward there is often pressure to at least have a boy/girlfriend, to have sexual relationships, to marry, to have children. It is often considered strange not to experience these things. The Bible tells us that our bodies are the temple of the living God in 1 Corinthians 6:18-19. These verses also state that sexual sins are sins against one’s own body. Because of the pressure to explore sexual relationships outside of marriage, many young Christians have gone down this path, and it is likely to affect them for the rest of their lives. Song of Solomon 8:4 gives some wise advice: “Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires”.

Devoted to the Lord

Paul tells the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 7:25–38 that while marriage is not always bad, there are times when it is preferable to stay single in as to devote one’s life to the Lord—such as the Corinthians’ “present suffering.” Those who marry will likely have a husband and kids, who will require care, love, support, and attention. Occasionally, these things can take time away from serving the Lord. Paul does, however, assert that it is preferable for a couple to get married rather than commit immorality-related sins against the Lord if they are having difficulty exercising self control and abstaining from sexual activity.

Longing to be married

Many people long to be married, and feel that God is unfair in not allowing them to find a lifelong partner, and some well-meaning Christians may use the verse “no good thing will he (God) withhold from them that walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11). This can cause a lot of pain in that the young Christian will believe that they have sinned and so God is withholding a marriage partner from them. In Matthew 19:9-12 we read that Jesus says for some people it is better not to marry, so that they may serve God better. Being single is not a punishment from God and it is not necessarily a test. The most important part of being single is being content with ‘who’ you are, and the situation you are in at this point.


Many people marry later in age, and for those who had already reached the point of embracing their single status, being married later in life came as a shock. “I have discovered the key to finding contentment no matter what,” Paul declared (Philippians 4:12). This also holds true for single people. Many married people find marriage to be very difficult; they envy the single person and long to be free and unmarried once more. We understand that happiness, fulfillment, and contentment in life depend on accepting who you are and what you now have. Refrain from feeling obligated to be in a relationship or guilty if you are single.

The verse “the Lord will not withhold any good thing from his children, when they walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11) is accurate. Seek God and his will above everything else if you are single at the moment but would rather be married. If marriage is part of his plan for you, it will occur; if not, it won’t. However, if you’re stuck on being single, you’ll lose the finest years of your life longing for an unattainable goal.


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