What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?

What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?

Marriage is an invention of God. Adam was ecstatic when God produced Eve. It was obvious that they belonged together. According to Genesis 2:24, the result is that “a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” “One flesh” alludes to both the deeper spiritual oneness that results from marriage as well as sexual unity between husband and wife. These two items complement each other. Marriage is for sex, and sex is for marriage.

Sex is part of God’s wonderful creation

Sex is a beautiful creation of God, and it should be enjoyed within the confines of marriage, as God intended. This is obviously evident in the opening chapters of the Bible.

The rest of the Bible always assumes that sex is meant to be enjoyed in marriage, according to God’s purpose. Exodus 22:16–17, which describes the fee a man must pay for sleeping with an unmarried virgin, and Deuteronomy 22:13–21, which stipulates that a woman must be a virgin on her wedding night, make this especially evident.

Sex before marriage is a sin

The New Testament makes it abundantly evident that having sex before getting married is wrong. Jesus provides a list of sins in Mark 7:21. “Sexual immorality” and “adultery” are two of them. Thus, sexual immorality exists that does not include adultery. Sex before to marriage is one example of sexual immorality. The same is stated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:2: “Every woman should have her own husband, and every man should have his own wife due to the temptation to sexual immorality.”Thus, having your own spouse is the best way to avoid falling into sexual immorality when you want to have sex.

A positive view of sex within marriage

Nonetheless, the Bible views having sex while married in a positive light. The positive longing of a man and a woman for one another is shown in Song of Songs. Sexual activity should be protected because it is valuable rather than hidden because it is unclean. God has given us protection for this priceless gift, and that protection is marriage. Hebrews 13:4 exhorts us to “let the marriage bed be undefiled, and let marriage be held in honor among all.”In terms of our sexuality as well as our long-term happiness, the best assurance is to obey God’s commands rather than our own.


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