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How can you practice a life of thankfulness?

Village girl

A Christian’s primary basis for gratitude is that they are God’s children (John 1:12). God reached out to you, you saw it, and you accepted it. You are no longer troubled by your sin’s guilt since Jesus has taken care of it. Because you have eternal life, you don’t fear death (John 3:16). Because the Holy Spirit is within you to guide you and Jesus, your Savior, is your buddy, you are never alone (John 14:16–18). You will get through all of life’s hardships with this grateful mindset.

But we are prone to forget God and His kindness toward us, just as Israel “forgot His works and His wonders that He had shown them” (Psalm 78:11). We must continue reading the Bible because it demonstrates God’s boundless goodness to us in providing life and salvation via Christ. It’s also crucial to get together with other Christians for mutual support (Hebrews 10:24–25).

Here are some additional doable actions to support us in developing a grateful mindset all through our lives:

Keep a thankfulness journal

Cementing your thankfulness can be achieved by keeping a gratitude journal and reminding yourself of your blessings every day. No matter how challenging your life may be right now, there is always something to be grateful for. Discovering that will assist you in managing the other aspects of life. Make a list of three to five things each day for which you are grateful. Referring back to your earlier writing can be helpful when you’re going through a particularly trying moment.

Transform your mind

The key to overcoming every situation was discovered by the apostle Paul. He was given the ability to do so by Jesus (Philippians 4:12-13). When we have the mind of Christ, we will see that our perspective of the issue determines how easy or difficult it is, not the event itself. We can relax knowing that God will take care of the problem if we are prepared to give it up to Him. Negative thoughts and anxiety won’t make the situation better.

Meditating on the Bible

As you read the Bible every day, consider what you have to be grateful for. There will be blessings from friends, family, and the church, as well as information on who God is, what He’s like, and what He’s done for us in Christ. Continue thinking about and reflecting on these things throughout the day, and express your gratitude to God for them.

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