What does it mean to have a Christian marriage?

What does it mean to have a Christian marriage?

A Christian marriage is one that is based on biblical principles and was established that way. One man and one woman are being married (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-5). There is no room for [many] wives or husbands in a Christian marriage. Biblical principles do not recognize a “marriage” between two men or women as a marriage. One man and one woman make a lifetime commitment to one another in a Christian marriage.

Commitment before God

The foundation of a Christian marriage is a vow to remain faithful to one another before God. “Because the Lord was witness between you and the wife of your youth,” reads Malachi 2:14. The adulterous woman “who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God” is described in Proverbs 2:17. Here, the phrase “covenant” alludes to her union. This scripture demonstrates that, in God’s eyes, marriage is a covenant.

Commitment before other people

For the couple to be accepted by society as a married couple, they must also make a promise in front of other people. In front of witnesses, the couple might likewise be held responsible for keeping their pledges to one another. “Because you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband,” Jesus remarked to the woman at the Samaria well. (John 4:18). Jesus saw the woman and the guy living together as single since there had never been a public declaration of marital status.

Sexual intercourse

Sexual activity typically completes it (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-5), unless a disability or other situation prohibits the pair from engaging in sexual activity. Only in the covenant partnership of marriage can there be sexual relations. According to Hebrews 13:4, having sex outside of marriage is immoral and constitutes adultery.

No room for selfishness

According to Ephesians 5:32, a Christian marriage symbolizes the bond between Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:25–29 states that just as Christ gave Himself up for the church, men should do the same for their wives and love them as their own bodies. Wives should submit to their husbands and recognize him as the head of the household, just as the church submits to Christ (verses 22–24). Selfishness has no place in a Christian marriage. It is instructed that the couple respect one another (1 Peter 3:2; 3:7). The bond between Christ and the church is reflected in Christian marriage. Mutual affection, faithfulness, and a servant mentality are required from both parties.

Struggle in marriage

Of course, Christians frequently experience marital difficulties since we live in a fallen society. However, in a Christian marriage, both parties are expected to portray Christ in their union despite all the challenges. This indicates that they are prepared to pardon one another. It indicates that they are prepared to obey God and his Word, which commands spouses to stay true to one another even in difficult times. It indicates that the pair makes an effort to respect God in their union. When we ask God, he will provide us the grace to do so! (Hebrews 4:14-16)


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