What does the Bible say about being a wife?

Adam was created by God and placed in the Garden of Eden. There was no assistant suitable for him when he was given the assignment to name every bird in the sky and every beast in the land (Genesis 2:19–20). God then created a woman from one of his ribs and brought her to Adam, who shouted, “Father of my flesh, bone of my bones!” (See Genesis 2:23). Given that they were both made in the image of God, the man and woman together possessed dominion over the universe (Genesis 1:27). The woman supported and enhanced the man, and the two of them united to become “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24), a reference to sexual activity.

The fall disrupted the good relationship

The fall disrupted this good relationship and the man would ‘rule’ over the woman (Genesis 3:16 – this was not a command, but rather a consequence of sin). Lack of respect for each other crept into the relationship and is found in many marriages all over the world. But in the New Testament, wives are exhorted to respect their husbands and honor her husband as the leader of the family (Ephesians 5:22). This means that the wife gives her husband room to give spiritual and practical leadership to the family. She treats him respectfully and supports him where needed. In this way, husband and wife reflect the covenant relationship between Christ and the church. The husband refers to Christ and the wife to the church. Christ gave himself up for the church, likewise the husband should love his wife as his own body (Ephesians 5:25-28). And the wife should submit to her husband as the church to Christ. For both partners in a marriage, there is no room for self-centeredness.

Respectful and pure conduct

Wives who behave in a “respectful and pure manner” make God happy. It might persuade unbeliever spouses (1 Peter 3:2). The “imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit” is something that God finds delightful and considers to be extremely valuable (1 Peter 3:4). Because they trust in God, such spouses place their hope in God, act morally, and [have no dread] of anything terrible (1 Peter 3:6). Because their women are co-heirs in the grace of life, husbands are commanded to treat their spouses with respect (1 Peter 3:7).

Own initiative or leadership

Being a helper to the husband, or having a gentle and quiet spirit, does not mean the wife cannot take initiative on her own or exercise any leadership. In Proverbs 31, a portrait is painted of a wife who bought a field (verse 16), has lively trading going on (verse 24), skillfully leads her household (verse 15) and teaches with wisdom (verse 26). She is praised as “far more precious than jewels” (verse 10), praised by both husband and kids (verse 28). This is because she does not try to take the role of her husband, but because “she does him good and no harm, all the days of her life” (verse 12). Her husband’s heart “trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain” (verse 11). A husband who fully trusts his wife and praises her, is a husband who feels respected and loved. The husband has a position of honor within his society: he is “known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land” (verse 23) – a position strengthened by his wife’s excellency.

In summary, the Bible describes a wife as someone who sincerely assists and encourages her husband, respects him, loves him, and engages in sexual activity with him alone. Though she holds a distinct status in her marriage, just as her husband does in his, she is equal to her husband in God’s eyes (Galatians 3:28; 1 Peter 3:7). Collectively, they portray the covenantal bond between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:22-32).


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