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31 reasons not to be afraid of the coronavirus – part 2 (of 3)


I want to provide you 31 reasons to not be terrified of the coronavirus during this period of panic. A single explanation for each day of the month. This does not negate the danger posed by the coronavirus. As of this writing, approximately 30,000 people have passed away, and that figure is probably going to rise significantly.

I also don’t say that you can avoid the infection if you declare that the blood of Jesus protects you or if you have sufficient faith. I’ve seen a lot of memes and messages making this claim on the internet. That is incorrect in the extreme. The coronavirus has claimed the lives of evangelical pastors. Certain epidemics became more rapid because the virus infected people during religious services. It seems good to say, “If you have faith, the coronavirus cannot touch you.” However, it is a devilish deception.

But there are additional reasons not to panic, even in the event of a pandemic that could take your life. Allow me to share with you a biblical justification for not living in fear, anxiety, or terror on any given day of the month. “31 reasons not to be afraid of the coronavirus – part 1 (of 3)” contained the first ten arguments. These ten are up next.

11. Do not be afraid: God protects you with his angels.

According to 2 Kings 6:16, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

The prophet Elisha said these things to reassure his servant that God had sent angels to watch over them. According to the New Testament, God dispatches angels to assist the saved. This is not to say that believers never become sick or have accidents. However, we are aware of our angelic defense. In the event that we are not protected, we believe God has a very excellent reason, which we will eventually come to understand. However, God usually uses his angels to keep us safe. You have nothing to fear.

12. Do not be afraid: Man and circumstances cannot touch you.

“The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” we can declare with assurance (Hebrews 13:6).

Our ally is the Lord. He promises never to abandon us. That is his pledge to everyone who has faith in him. No man can hurt us if God is with us. Of course, viruses and other things work the same way.

The results we aspire for or anticipate might not always come from this. After stating that Christians are imprisoned because to their faith, the question “what can man do to me?” is posed a short while later. It is not promised that there would be no issues or illnesses in life. Above all, the promise is that you are not under the control of a virus or man. God has you in his hands. As a result, you don’t have to be scared.

13. Do not be afraid: God gave you a spirit of power.

According to 2 Timothy 1:7, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

God provides you the ability to serve him in any situation if you are a believer. God grants you the strength to confront any challenges you experience, whether illness, a crisis caused by a virus, or any other issue. He also empowers you to serve him during these times. You have nothing to fear.

14. Do not be afraid: God gave you a spirit of love.

According to 2 Timothy 1:7, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Fear is self-centered thinking. [Love is considering other people]. God gives you love if you believe in him. When a mother sees her child in peril, she acts without thinking about herself to save the child. Fear has no place when you really love other people. This love spirit is given to you by God. You have nothing to fear.

15. Do not be afraid: God gave you a spirit of self-control.

According to 2 Timothy 1:7, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Fear is an internal state. It can continue to circle and expand in size while it does so. Eventually, terror might take over completely. Saying “stop” to your fear and “stop” to your thoughts rushing away is a Christian practice. God bestows upon us a spirit of restraint so that we can confront the world with all of our might. You have nothing to fear.

16. Do not be afraid: God is with you.

According to Joshua 1:9, “Do not be afraid or dismayed for the LORD, your God, is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua in particular receives this promise since God has appointed him to govern Israel. If you believe in Jesus, you are eligible to receive this promise for yourself. Because Jesus assured his followers that He would stick by them until the end of time. That which was true for Joshua also applies to you: if God is with you, you have nothing to fear. You’ll be taken care of by him. You have nothing to fear.

17. Do not be afraid: Better times are coming.

“The God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have suffered a little while” (1 Peter 5:10).

Peter writes to a church that is going through a trying period. There will be better times, he assures them. It’s the same way with you. Better days are on the horizon. Peter is discussing [the everlasting grandeur we shall possess]. You therefore have no way of knowing if the better days are still to come—here on Earth or in Heaven. However, things will get better. You have nothing to fear.

18. Do not be afraid: Jesus prepared a place for you in heaven.

“Avoid having your hearts disturbed. Have faith in both God and me. There are several rooms in My Father’s home. Would I have informed you that I was going to set up a space for you if that weren’t the case? (John 14:1-2).

Realizing that Jesus has prepared a place for you in heaven is the best method to keep anything from troubling your heart. To be accepted eternally into his heavenly abode, all you have to do is have faith in him. Everything else is insignificant in comparison to the worth of this heavenly residence. There are a lot of issues facing humanity, and a lot of fears that individuals have, whether they are related to viruses or something else.

However, you do not dread losing a hundred dollars if you have a million dollars. You don’t worry about what might occur on Earth if you have a spot in heaven. You have nothing to fear.

19. Do not be afraid: You have friends who encourage you.

Proverbs 12:25 states, “A man’s heart is heavy with anxiety, but he is glad when he hears a good word.”

You are pulled down by fear. It gets simpler for dread to rule your life the more time you spend by yourself thinking. Currently, a large number of people are isolated and rarely see other people. Fear increases as a result.

However, this verse reminds us that support from others helps drive fear away. Make sure you continue to hear the encouraging comments that dispel dread. Hear them from friends and family as well as from God’s Word. You have nothing to fear.

20. Do not be afraid: God comforts you.

“Your consolations cheer my soul when my heart is full of cares” (Psalm 94:19).

A successful life involves juggling a lot of responsibilities, including your friends, family, job and profession, hobbies, and sports. Things shift when concerns arise, as they have throughout this coronavirus outbreak. You take a deep breath. “The cares of my heart are many,” you observe.

That is a unique time to have a closer relationship with God. You recognize your need for God more clearly. He is also available to you. He converses with you, gives you courage, and consoles you. If God is becoming near to you during this time, be careful that when things get back to normal, you stay close to him. For the time being, let God console you. You have nothing to fear.

[Click here] for additional information on why you shouldn’t be terrified of the coronavirus.

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