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31 reasons not to be afraid of the coronavirus – part 1 (of 3)


I want to give you 31 reasons not to be concerned at this time of dread about the coronavirus. A single explanation for each day of the month. That being said, the coronavirus is still hazardous. As of this writing, approximately 30,000 people have passed away, and that figure is probably going to rise significantly.

I also don’t say that you can avoid the infection if you declare that the blood of Jesus protects you or if you have sufficient faith. I’ve seen a lot of memes and messages making this claim on the internet. That is incorrect in the extreme. The coronavirus has claimed the lives of evangelical pastors. Certain epidemics became more rapid because the virus infected people during religious services. It seems good to say, “If you have faith, the coronavirus cannot touch you.” However, it is a devilish deception.

But there are additional reasons not to panic, even in the event of a pandemic that could take your life. Allow me to share with you a biblical justification for not living in fear, anxiety, or terror on any given day of the month. The first ten reasons are covered in this article; the other ones will be up soon.

1. Do not be afraid: You can tell everything to God.

“Be thankful and let your requests be made known to God in everything through prayer and supplication. Do not be anxious about anything.” And in Christ Jesus, your hearts and minds will be shielded by the peace of God, which is more than any understanding (Philippians 4:6-7).

What is ahead is unknown to us. We cannot guarantee that we won’t become ill. However, we are aware that we can pray to God about anything on our minds and in our hearts. God assures you that your heart and mind will then be filled with his serenity. Bring your concerns to God, and then let them stay there. You’ll then be at peace. You have nothing to fear.

2. Do not be afraid: God cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7 states, “… casting all your anxieties on Him, because he cares for you.”

You don’t have to be afraid that God will forget you if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. Like a parent does for his child, he looks out for you. You may trust that He has good intentions for you since He cares about you. You are never beyond God’s protection, no matter how hard life becomes (and it was hard for the people Peter wrote to!). You have nothing to fear.

3. Do not be afraid: Jesus has overcome the world.

Take heart; I have overcome the world”, (John 16:33).

Satan takes pleasure in pain. However, our world is not one in which Satan rules supremely. All power belongs to Jesus. Not because Jesus is losing, no matter how dire things get in this world or in your life. He remains in charge. It can only go as far as He permits. He is always hear, and we may always call out to him. You have nothing to fear.

4. Do not be afraid: God will act.

Psalm 37:5, “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act.”

God does not consider this world to be a spectator sport. He takes action. He might not always respond when we want him to. Sometimes we may not comprehend why He does things the way that He does. But He takes action. He will take the necessary action when the time comes. You have nothing to fear if you put your faith in that assurance. You can wait patiently for God’s ideal plan to materialize at his ideal timing. You have nothing to fear.

5. Do not be afraid: For those who love God, all things work together for good.

According to Romans 8:28, “We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good.”

There is a wise proverb that assures us: “In the end, everything will work out.” It isn’t quite over if it doesn’t.

For Christians, this is made clear in this verse from the Bible. Even the most trying and terrifying situations can be used by God to work good for His people. Because what is most to God may not matter most to you, you may not always recognize that. Make sure your priorities line up with God’s priorities in order to truly enjoy this promise.

You will then see that everything is indeed working for the greater benefit. You have nothing to fear.

6. Do not be afraid: A new earth is coming.

As the old things have passed away, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore” (Revelation 21:4).

We are aware that this is not the end, regardless of what we are going through or what might happen to us or our loved ones while we are here on Earth. [A new world is on its way.] There will be those who have put their faith in Jesus. There won’t be any illness, grief, or death. That’s where we’re going to end up. As a result, you don’t have to be afraid.

7. Do not be afraid: God’s grace is sufficient.

Paul prayed for God to remove whatever painful personal situation (maybe a medical condition) he was going through. But in response, God said, “My grace is sufficient for you; for in weakness, My power is made perfect” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

The power of Christ can rest particularly upon you when you are weak or in sorrow. Thus, Christ can become evident in you in a way that does not occur when everything is going well, whether there is a disease that is raging or if you are overwhelmed by another issue in your life. You may know that God’s grace is enough in every circumstance. You have nothing to fear.

8. Do not be afraid: Live by the day.

“Don’t worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will worry about itself. Matthew 6:34 states, “Enough for the day is its own trouble.”

Fear is more about what is ahead than what is happening right now. Nevertheless, God grants us the ability to face whatever comes our way every day and in every instant. Instead of being afraid of the future, have faith that God, who also gives you strength now, will do so tomorrow. As the religious woman from the Netherlands Corrie ten Boom once said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” You have nothing to fear.

9. Do not be afraid: Nothing is too hard for you.

“With Him who strengthens me, I can accomplish anything” (Philippians 4:13).

Paul declared he was capable of “all things.” It’s not a boast, as he acknowledges that Jesus is the source of his strength and that he cannot accomplish it on his own.

Furthermore, you’ll see that Paul is not discussing achievement in the material world when you read Philippians 4. He says that because Jesus gives him power, he can overcome poverty and hunger. Nothing is too difficult when you are dealing with illness. You are strengthened by Jesus. You have nothing to fear.

10. Do not be afraid: Otherwise the seed of the Word will not survive.

“The seed that fell among thorns represents those who hear, but life’s cares suffocate them as they go” (Luke 8:14).

It’s possible to become so [overwhelmed by life’s concerns] that you run out of energy to spend time with God. (Of course, it works the other way too: life’s troubles will consume you if you don’t listen to God.)

Keep that from occurring to you. Recognize that no fear or anxiety is significant enough to prevent you from reading God’s Word. Continue to receive the Word of God, and allow it to triumph over your anxieties. You have nothing to fear.

[Click here] for additional information on why you shouldn’t be terrified of the coronavirus.

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