You are completely victorious despite your affliction and distress


“Who will take us out of Christ’s love? Shall danger, or sword, or tribulation, or sorrow, or persecution, or famine? .. No, because of His love for us, we are victorious over all of these challenges. (Romans 8:35–37)

Nothing can ever separate you from God’s love if you are a child of God who was saved by the blood of Jesus. Death and life, the here and now and the things to come… Nothing at all. Persecution, suffering, and tribulation do not indicate or indicate that God’s love for us is waning. Under such circumstances, as Paul found out when he was imprisoned for the sake of Jesus, others may turn away from us. The Lord, however, will not. He is always in love with us.

You participate in Jesus’ victory over death, Satan, and everything else because you are linked to Him. In the middle of the fight, you are victorious. You are “more than a conqueror,” even if your faith brings with it the possibility of death. In actuality, Christ defeated His adversaries in the same manner—by perishing on the cross! We have forgiven your obligations as a result of His atoning death. Satan can therefore no longer lay claim to you. By using the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, you can defeat him (Revelation 12:9–11). Therefore, even in the midst of hardship, if you are on God’s side, you are on the winning team.

If you’re feeling overburdened and worn out, go back to Romans 8. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, your triumphant King!


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