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Worshiping Jesus as God

What is a Christian?

And look, Jesus greeted them when he saw them. And they approached him, grabbed hold of his feet, and bowed down before him. Matthew 28:9

Jesus is God and He is man. But He was not acknowledged as such for the majority of his earthly life. Either they were unwilling to accept the truth, or they were unaware that He was God. Not even his own followers could fully understand this riddle. They questioned themselves, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” after Jesus demonstrated his omnipotence by calming a storm. (Mark 4:41)

People only began to understand Jesus’ divinity when he rose from the dead. The first women to see him grabbed hold of his feet and bowed down before him.

They “worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy” when Jesus subsequently appeared to his followers and then went back to his Father in heaven (Luke 24:52). It is correct to take this action. God alone is to be worshipped, but since Jesus is who He says He is, we should give Him honor.

Do you think that Jesus is simultaneously God and man? Do you see Him as God, or do you consider Him to be only a great prophet or sage?

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