Work in itself doesn’t make us happy

“What has a man from all the labor and heart-wrenching that he labors under the sun? Because he works in a vexing job and is always depressed. His heart doesn’t stop beating even at night. This is also conceit. (Read Ecclesiastes 2:1–23)

Some people live to work rather than work to live. They work tirelessly their entire lives in an attempt to amass wealth, without taking a break. Observing these individuals around him, the author of Ecclesiastes muses on their way of life. He comes to the conclusion that having this mindset about money and labor does not lead to happiness. It is “vanity,” as are many things in life. Wealth is erratic and transient. It escapes your grasp and does not ensure contentment. “There is a grievous evil that I have seen under the sun: riches were kept by their owner to his hurt, and those riches were lost in a bad venture,” as Ecclesiastes 5:13–14 observes philosophically.

It is only when we have the correct outlook on life that we may appreciate the fruits of our labor. Putting things in perspective and keeping us from overvaluing our labor and money is the knowledge that everything on earth is transient and impermanent in comparison to God’s everlasting kingdom. Being aware that monetary wealth or success in the economy is not ultimately what determines the meaning of life allows us to unwind and appreciate God’s wonderful gifts.

Is your workload keeping you from getting any sleep? If this is the case, kindly ask yourself why you put your work before everything else.


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