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Will I be lost if I don’t obey the church?


This is a really sensitive question that most likely stems from tense personal experiences. It’s possible that you disagree with [the church elders]. Even though they ask you to do anything, you genuinely disagree. How would you respond in a circumstance like this? It becomes a question: Will I perish if I disobey the church?


My initial reaction is that what matters is what God says, not what your church says. The church has the ability to clarify God’s will for us. However, [the church is made up of regular people] who are subject to error. My warning signs go off whenever someone says, “Do what I tell you, or you’ll be lost.” There is a hint of manipulation about that. That cannot be the will of God.

God will make a way

Preaching God’s Word is the church’s mandate. This Bible contains a wealth of guidance on living a happy life. It is advisable that you pay close attention to these rules. Ask the Lord in prayer, “Lord, what do You want me to do in this situation?” while you are making plans. Put all of your trust in the Lord and don’t rely on your own understanding, according to Proverbs 3:5–6. Recognize Him in all your endeavors, and He will make your pathways straight. God will make a way for you if you [consider His will] in all that you do.

Servant leadership

“Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly,” is what Peter instructs church leaders to do in 1 Peter 5:2–3. It is obvious that the elders are in charge of the members of their congregation. But Peter goes on to say, “being examples to the flock, not domineering over those in your charge.” Instead of being haughty and controlling toward their flock, church leaders ought to lead by example. It is [about serving, not about ruling].

Correction and guidance

Naturally, this does not imply that you should disregard advice from a church elder or other Christian friend that indicates you are making the wrong choices. Alternatively, they might inform you that you are misinterpreting a certain theological truth or that you have specific sins in your life that need to be addressed. If this is the case, you should thoroughly evaluate, research, and pray about this matter rather than following church directives just because they say it. It is a blessing to have other Christians correct and guide you in love as a church member, and you should take it very seriously.

It’s never okay to sin

It is untrue to say that someone will perish if they follow church instruction. What God says in His Word is what counts. That dictates what we ought to or ought not to do. Sin is when you disobey what God commands you to do. Moreover, sin results in death (Romans 6:16). We are aware that by the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross, we are made right with God (Romans 5:8–10). That does not, however, imply that sin is acceptable since God will still pardon us. Recognize the cost of your sins to the Lord Jesus, who made the payment! He desires the best for you because he loves you. He thus provides you with guidelines for living.

Run the race

No one is sinless in its entirety. Even Christians commit errors. Hebrews 12:1 exhorts us to “let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, and lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely.” You should run your life as if it were a race, giving your all to follow Jesus. In this, the church can and ought to assist you. In the end, nevertheless, we must turn to Jesus: “Think about Him who suffered such hostility against Himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted” (Hebrews 12:3).


We are not saved by following the church’s instructions to the letter. We cannot even be rescued by following God’s instructions exactly. By God’s grace and the pardon Jesus obtained on our behalf, we are saved. That fills me with serenity and a strong desire to follow Him. You as well?

Read more: Should you obey the pastor?

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