Will heaven be boring?

Will heaven be boring?

Is God uninteresting? Definitely not! How are we aware? Consider His creation (Psalm 19:1-6). What a miracle the human body is. However, that was insufficient for Him. He created a wide range of animals, including enormous elephants, hump-backed whales, swift cheetahs, graceful lorises, and colorful birds. He also left a vast array of trees and plants.

Have you done all the exploring you can do on this planet? For what length of time would that take? However, in this enormous universe that God created, earth is but a point in time. The cosmos is nothing compared to what lies beyond this life.

What is it that awaits us?

Let’s look at what Jesus said to the thief who died on the cross with Him: “Today, you will be in paradise with me,” Jesus said (Luke 23:43). The Greek word used is paradeisos, which translates to “a park” or “the paradise of God,” and is analogous to the original Eden that was made for Adam and Eve (Revelation 2:7). How much time do we have to spend exploring this park? Forever!

We will serve Him

Revelation also tells us “His servants will serve Him” (Revelation 7:15). Here on earth we are unable to do so fully because of sin. But in heaven sin will not be an issue, so everything we do in serving God in heaven will be worship. We will never be motivated by anything other than our love for God. This is difficult for us to imagine because our capacity to love and serve God here is limited by sin. Our capacity to know God here on earth is also limited but it won’t be so in heaven. God is bigger than forever, and it will take eternity “to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:18-19). In other words, we will never stop learning.

Friends in heaven

The amount of true friends you will have in paradise will much outweigh the number of Facebook friends you currently have. Interacting with “a great multitude, which no man could number, out of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues” will be our eternal experience (Revelation 7:9). It will take an eternity just to get to know everyone!

Whether you believe in Him or not, we are very grateful that He is our Savior and that we have eternal life, which allows us to spend time with Him both in heaven and on the new earth. We are eagerly anticipating that!


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