Why is nature important for our spiritual life?


The question of whether Christians should take part in environmental advocacy is one that is hotly debated among churches. However, we must deal with nature on more than one level. It can have a significant impact on our spiritual lives and is much more than that.

We’re not into nature anymore

Nowadays, a large number of individuals reside largely indoors in metropolitan regions. Furthermore, there isn’t much of the natural world outside. This has an impact on both our spiritual life and mental health. Why, therefore, is nature crucial to our spiritual well-being?

Nature points to God’s greatness

First of all, God makes Himself known in nature. Growing up in major cities, there was always too much light, so my children never saw the stars. We had a great time [viewing the stars] when we went to the country. You want to praise the Creator when you realize how far away they are from us and when you consider how big our galaxy is. You see His greatness and strength, and yet He remembers the names of every one of His children on this small globe. We read in Psalm 8:3–4:

“What is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them, when I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place?”

Every detail shows God’s finger

But the magnificence of God is revealed in more ways than one. Take the time to spend some quality time in nature, observing the flowers, insects, birds, and frogs that surround you. You will be astounded by the love and wisdom that have gone into every small detail. God created the earth with such delight and beauty. Nature has also been impacted by the brokenness of sin, but there are still a lot of things about Him and His concern for the natural world that are evident.

Creation praises God

The story of nature needs to be heard, but we have to listen quietly. According to Psalm 19:1-4,

“The sky proclaim the handiwork of God; the heavens trumpet His splendor. They speak freely every day and divulge knowledge late into the evening. They are silent, they don’t speak, and there is no sound coming from them. Nevertheless, their words and voice are heard throughout the entire planet.

The Creator is worshipped by creation. The things that exist, streams, mountains, seas, and plants all honor the one who created them. If you pay close enough, you can hear nature’s enormous chorus of appreciation. It says in Psalm 65:12–13:

The hills are covered in joy and the pastures of the wilderness are full. Flocks blanket the fields and the valleys are dotted with grain; they sing and yell with delight.

Nature restores a healthy perspective

Being in nature helps us regain a positive self-perception. It is simple for people to believe they are significant and in charge. But nature serves as a reminder that we are made of something. Nature’s laws also apply to humankind. It is beyond our control. We are weak and really little. Furthermore, God is our only source of dependence. We do not eat if it does not rain. We cannot survive if the sun doesn’t shine. However, we have no control over either of them.

Nature shows a caring God

Still, God’s concern is demonstrated by nature. Jesus Himself allayed our fears by citing the example of the flowers and the birds. Will God not provide for us if He clothing the flowers and feeds the birds? Matthew 6:25–30

In nature God can come closer to you

Finally, being in nature encourages us to become silent and allows God to communicate to us. Many folks discover that praying while strolling through a forest or relaxing by the sea is considerably simpler. Jesus went to the mountains by himself to pray. Out of sight of the throng, into the solitude, by Himself with His Father. There is a lot of noise and distraction in our life. How about you look for a spot in the outdoors, put your phone away, grab your Bible, and ask God to speak to your heart? Alternatively, simply be present, take in the praise that the universe is bringing, and join in the worship!


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