Why does God communicate to us through the Bible and not through our souls?

Why does God not communicate with us trough our souls?

God has never spoken to us via our souls. God spoke with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, teaching them the proper way to live (Genesis 2:16-18; see also Genesis 3:8–9).

After Genesis 3, though, things were considerably different. Both the Garden of Eden and God’s presence were now off limits to Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:23–24). Our entire nature has also been altered by the fall of Adam and Eve; instead of desiring God, we reject and choose to disregard him. Paul describes how humanity reacts to God in Romans 1:

As God has made all that is known to them evident, the wrath of God is being disclosed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who obstruct the truth by their wickedness. Because God’s invisible attributes—his eternal power and divine nature—have been made evident since the creation of the world and may be understood from creation, men have no justification (Romans 1:18–20).

Paul claims that God’s unseen attributes—His divine nature and eternal power—have been evident since creation. But what use does this unmistakable knowledge of God make for humans? They try to ignore it, reject it, and repress it. As a result, knowledge of God from creation is hidden and essentially of little use to non-Christians.

God speaks through the Scriptures

So how can anyone listen to God and be saved? only via hearing what God has to say in Scripture. Scripture is defined as the inspired word of God.

“…a living, breathing thing, more keen than a two-edged sword, piercing to the core of joints and marrow, soul and spirit, and heart’s intentions and thoughts.” According to Hebrews 4:11–13, “And no creature is hidden from His sight; rather, all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”

Stated differently, while sinful man uses creation to repress knowledge of God, God’s Word reveals the true nature of sinful man. The spiritually dead are raised to life by the power of God’s Word (John 5:24–25). God must thus communicate with us through His Word. There is no chance for any of us if He doesn’t. Read the Bible, then, for it is the way God speaks to us, and His Word has the ability to reveal and transform us. Thank God!


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