Why do we have to do God’s will?

Why do we have to do God’s will?

This is the best way to look at it: carrying out God’s purpose is a privilege rather than merely a duty.

Doing God’s will is an obligation

Yes, you have a duty to carry out God’s will. Jesus tells us that we shall not enter heaven if we do not follow God’s will: “The one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter the kingdom of heaven, not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,'” (Matthew 7:21). Following God’s will is a crucial aspect of being a Christian. You are not born again if you are unwilling to carry out God’s will. You must confess your sins, put your faith in Jesus, and obey Him.

Doing God’s will is a privilege

But after you experience a new birth, carrying out God’s purpose no longer feels like a duty. It’s an honor! According to Romans 12:2, all that God wills is “good and acceptable and perfect.” You will be content when you act morally upright, socially acceptable, and perfectly! You’ve had enough and want to stop doing anything. Fulfilling God’s will [makes you happy].

Doing God’s will brings you joy

For what reason is that the case? since God created us. You function as you should when you submit to the will of your Designer. That makes you happy. That is accurate in two distinct senses. God’s will is first and foremost found in the ten commandments. You are miserable when you disobey the commandments. You give Satan room in your life if you pay homage to other gods. You will not get along with your parents and you will be without a place to live if you do not respect them. You will experience shame and fear of being discovered if you steal. On the other hand, if you follow the commandments, your life will be secure and content.

Second, there is God’s will specific to your personal life. If God calls you to serve Him, and instead you try to earn as much money as you can, you might become rich, but you will not be happy. If God calls you to help people in need, and instead you go play video games, you will miss out on the happiness that comes in obeying Him. It can be hard to obey God’s will. Even for Jesus it was hard. When He was close to being captured and crucified, He got afraid and prayed: “Not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). But even then happiness resulted in submitting to God’s will. For Jesus endured the cross “for the joy that was set before him” (Hebrews 12:2). So be assured that in the long run, doing the will of God is always the best choice.

Doing God’s will is also best for other people

Following God’s will is best for other people as well. Because God wants everyone to know Him, not to perish (Matthew 18:14; 2 Peter 3:9), is His will. Thus, you always know that you are performing God’s will and that you are giving them the opportunity to experience eternal life when you share the Gospel with others.

In summary

In conclusion, you should follow God’s will since only those who do so will be admitted to heaven. God’s will is what you should do since it will make you happy. God’s will is good for others, so you should follow it. I’ll close with one more verse from the Bible that provides excellent encouragement to carry out God’s will: 1 John 2:17. It says, “The world passes away with its desires, but who does the will of God abides forever.”


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