Why did Jesus use parables?

Why did Jesus use parables

Jesus spoke many parables when speaking to a large group of people. However, why? Could He not more clearly describe the situation?

What are parables?

It’s helpful to first understand what a parable is. Jesus’ parables can be interpreted as fictions with a subliminal message. You might observe and recognize the stories that Jesus told the people in your daily life. For example, they discussed farming, justice, greed, and love. These were typically short tales that had timeless lessons.

Parables are also analogies or metaphors for other things. For instance, the Bible foretells that [the day of the Lord’s coming] will arrive like a robber in the night.

Stay vigilant, then, for you do not know when your Lord will return. But be aware that the home’s owner would not have allowed a break-in if he had known what time of night the burglar was coming. Instead, he would have stayed awake. As a result, you too need to be prepared since the Son of Man will arrive at an unexpected hour (Matthew 24:42–44).

This is meant to be taken metaphorically, so don’t take it literally. There are always going to be unexpected and unannounced burglaries in your home. Furthermore, “the day when the Lord will come” comes as a surprise. To fully get its deeper meaning, you must consider and grasp it for yourself.

But why…?

Jesus teaches us a lesson or a truth through each of his parables. The parables He told had meanings that many in His day were unaware of. In Matthew 13, His followers posed the identical query to Him:

The disciples then approached Him and asked, “Why do you talk to them in parables? He said, “You have been given knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven; but, they have not received it.” Because those who possess will receive much more, and they will live in plenty, while those who lack will lose everything they own. Because of this, when I speak to them in parables, they neither see nor hear, nor do they comprehend (Matthew 13:10–13).

Because the stories Jesus recounted were meant only for those who believe in Him and wish to listen to Him, it follows that Jesus intends to use parables to teach the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Some in the congregation at the time Jesus was speaking did not want to hear what He had to say because they were not interested in listening.

Jesus desired that those individuals keep his miracles a secret from the rest of the world. Because they refused to open their ears, maybe it was not yet the right moment to comprehend His deeds.

Are the lessons also for us?

It’s amazing how God uses the ordinary to teach us valuable truths. Every culture in existence today can probably relate to and understand the parables that Jesus gave in the past.

Jesus recounted numerous parables concerning the natural world, such as the one about the mustard seed, the vineyard, the sheep and goats, the fig tree, and the sprouting seed. There’s also a parable of a feast for marriage.

These topics still hold true in the modern era. The story can become more relatable to you and your society in this way. Narratives are difficult to forget. Telling and listening to stories serves as a reminder of the deep teachings and realities. For those who are open to hearing it, it is a boon. No matter how readily they are spoken, God’s words have the power to move Christians’ hearts.

How can we understand them?

A story’s message is harder to understand than the narrative itself. The Bible already explains a few of Jesus’ parables, first to His followers and now to us. Some aren’t. It is beneficial to read them, discuss them with other Christians, and ask God to provide you wisdom. He will impart to you all the knowledge you require on His kingdom.

Earthly story, with a heavenly meaning

Parables are narratives about everyday objects that have a deeper, more nuanced significance that appeals to the imagination and pushes the boundaries of comprehension. The parables are intended for people who are listening to Him with concentrated ears. You will be shown more truth when you believe in Him.

However, you are blessed with eyes that see and ears that hear. Because, really, I tell you, a great number of prophets and good people yearned to see what you see but were unable to see it, as well as to hear what you hear but were unable to hear it (Matthew 13:16-17).


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