Why are humans evil?


It is assumed by this question that individuals are evil. This notion won’t sit well with many people, certainly not when it comes to themselves. However, from a biblical standpoint, evil in humans is inevitable. The Bible says emphatically, “No one is righteous, no, no one; no one understands; no one seeks God,” three times. Everyone has turned away; taken as a whole, they have lost all value; not a single person acts morally (Psalm 14:3, Psalm 53:2, Romans 3:11). It seems that the Bible has no issue with human evil being generalized.

Everyone is evil

They are not necessarily as evil as they could be, nor do they all have to be equally terrible. However, it does imply that humanity will never reach its full potential. Nothing in our existence is ever perfect and pure. Evil penetrates every human life, just as salt penetrates every drop of water in the entire ocean.

None is righteous

How could it have happened that people could get so evil? God is not to be blamed for that. He made man in His image and in a nice manner. According to Genesis 1:31, “God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good” after creating mankind and so completing His creation.

However, things have drastically changed from the beginning. The first people, Adam and Eve, chose to reject God. Sin entered the world as a result of their disobedience (Romans 5:12). All people are born with a sinful nature from that point on. Ecclesiastes 7:20 states, “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.” That’s not pleasant to hear. To know it is true, though, all you have to do is glance around—or look within. Original sin is “the only part of Christian theology which can really be proved,” as G.K. Chesterton properly stated (Orthodoxy, chapter 2).

Face the truth

Admitting the truth is preferable. According to 1 John 1:8, “if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” We fool ourselves, in fact, if we deny our own depravity. Indeed, we are more knowledgeable. Despite being made in God’s likeness, humans are nevertheless able to [distinguish between good and evil] (Romans 2:14–15). We all know in our hearts that we desperately need to ask, “Forgive us our debts” (Matthew 6:12).

Christ conquers sin and evil

When we acknowledge that we are bad, the issue of whether there is a way out arises. Can our evil be atoned for? Yes, Jesus makes this possible. He approaches the problem of evil from three angles: the past, the present, and the future. If we place our faith in Jesus, He will pardon our previous transgressions. According to the abundance of His grace, “in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses” (Ephesians 1:7).

Now, the monster of sin that had us in its grasp is vanquished by the Lord Jesus. He vanquishes the evil inside us by allowing His Spirit to reside within us. Galatians 5:16 states, “If you walk by the Spirit, you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh.” That does not imply that we are no longer fully bad. Any believer who is sincere with themselves must acknowledge that. In Romans 7:15, the apostle Paul himself stated, “I do the very thing I hate, not what I want to do.”

The future: all evil will be gone

Thus, there is still something to anticipate in the future. Full victory over sin will be achieved upon Jesus’ return. Then [new earth and new heavens] shall exist. Everybody who has faith in Jesus will be present with Him. But sin won’t exist anymore. Nothing filthy will ever get within, according to Revelation 21:27. Finally, we may state that people are good. They are a beautiful reflection of God’s all-good visage.

Do you want to become good?

The good news is that via Jesus Christ, the Lord God pardons our sins. He changes who we are, and when Jesus comes back, all evil will be vanquished. You need to decide if you want God to finish this task inside of you. Or do you refuse to let God handle your own evil because you are so devoted to it? If you reject God’s remedy, wickedness in humans is unavoidable.


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