Whom do we owe what?

memorize Bible verses

“Therefore, give the things that belong to God and the things that belong to Caesar.” Matthew 22:21

A few pious authorities attempted to trap Jesus in his words when He was on the earth. One of their tactful questions was, “Is it legal to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” Caesar governed over Israel as the Roman ruler. Jesus would be in hot water with the Romans if He said that paying taxes was illegal. He would lose people’s sympathy and be viewed as an ally of the enemy if He advocated taxation.

However, Jesus’ response went much beyond a disagreement over taxation. He requested a coin bearing Caesar’s name and likeness. That put an end to the debate: Caesar should have the currency if it was his. Even if we dislike the government, we still have to pay taxes. However, Jesus went on to say in response, “… and [render] to God the things that are God’s.”

What is it that is owned by God since it has His image and inscription on it? The Bible’s first chapter, Genesis 1:27, provides the solution: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him.”

Jesus gives a succinct but obvious message: we should offer ourselves to God, yet it’s okay to pay taxes to Caesar!

How do you express your gratitude to God? Does gratitude characterize your life?


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