Who was Melchizedek?

The first recorded mentions of Melchizedek in the Bible are found in Genesis 14:18–20 and Hebrews 7. Melchizedek was a priest of “God most high,” Abraham’s God, and the God of the Christians. He was also the king of Salem, or the kingdom of peace. As though Melchizedek had just materialized, this is the first mention of him. His identity and the date of his death are unknown to us.”He is without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life,” according to Hebrews 7:3. “Like the Son of God, he remains a priest forever,” the verse continues. The purpose of mentioning “the man, Melchizedek” is to draw parallels between him and Jesus.

Priests as mediators

When Abraham’s descendants had last established a nation in the desert with leaders, laws, and a structured worship system, God declared that the tribe of Levi was His chosen people to serve Him in His house, and that Aaron’s family was to be priests. Representing God to the people and the people to God is the priest’s job. Priests offer sacrifices to God and guide and instruct the populace in order to help them live in accordance with God’s will for their lives.

A new system for sacrifices and to worship God

However, the book of Hebrews points out that the law and system of making sacrifices for sin was just a shadow of God’s plan. The commandments point out to us that we are sinners. The sacrifices can never cleanse our sins or consciences completely, otherwise the people wouldn’t have needed to keep making sacrifices for sin. So, the writer to the Hebrews points us to Jesus Christ, who would begin a new system for sacrifices and worshiping God. Jesus did not come from the tribe of Levi as the original priests had done. Jesus Christ was prepared by God to be both the perfect sacrifice that is able to take away our sin completely, and the priest who would be the way for mankind to come to know God.

Jesus as priest for God’s people

Hebrews elaborates on this notion by comparing Jesus to Melchizedek, the seemingly immortal man, in that neither his origins nor his destinations are known. Jesus lived before He came to earth, despite the fact that the New Testament contains an account of His genealogy. He has been here since the beginning of time (John 1 and 1 John 1:1–4). Nevertheless, God sent Him into our temporal realm of years, days, and hours. We are aware that He was born in Bethlehem and entered the earth. He was crucified in Jerusalem after 33 years, but He rose from the grave. He is still alive and has returned to His heavenly abode, where He is the King of Kings and the priest of God’s people.


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