Who created God?

Who created God?

From where did God originate? Was He made? Those are two of the hardest questions to answer, yet they are also the easiest.

To put it succinctly, no one created God. He is what he is. He has been for all time. He is and always will be. He is without beginning or end. Now, do you get it? Not me either! It’s true, yet it’s a mystery! God is portrayed as the most powerful and highest being in the universe throughout the Bible; in fact, God existed before the universe did! “You are God from forever to everlasting, before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world.” (Psalm 90:2). How could that be true? It is what it is.

But what if someone created God?

However, let’s assume for the purposes of argumentation that God was created by someone or something. If such is the case, then the object or person in question would need to be older and more powerful than God. However, from where did that person or object originate? Perhaps there is still another person who made the one who made God. However, who made that creature? Should we presume that everything and everyone must have originated from scratch, we would be forced to continually travel back in time to find out what or who initiated it all. How far back are you able to go? Do you look back indefinitely to find the beginning?

Assume we locate the primordial entity by traveling back a billion years before God. The oldest, smartest, and most powerful would be whoever or whatever initiated it all. And since he, she, or it is before anything else, that creature is deserving of the title God.

The impossible question

And we’ve returned to our starting point! Our being has no genesis and exists before everything else. Everything has to begin someplace, even if we assume that there was someone, something, or many things before God! This state of being has been dubbed the “Unmoved Mover” by philosophers.

The unmoved mover

What is meant by that? It implies that something must be driving everything in the cosmos because the being itself has never been propelled by an outside force. When a football is seen flying through the air, you can infer that something or someone moved it into motion. To believe that the ball has always been in motion would be absurd. However, someone had to kick or toss it. Where did the energy come from for that person? To determine the source of the ball’s motion, you could draw a line back quite far, but eventually you would have to stop. If not, all you have left is a line that extends into the infinite.

There is none like God

The only way out of our predicament is to accept that someone, an Unmoved Mover, was the original creator of everything. And the Bible refers to that entity as God. There is no one above God, despite the existence of angels and demons among other spiritual creatures. This is the reason the Bible says things like, “There is no one holy like the LORD, Indeed, there is no one besides You, Nor is there any rock like our God,” and “There is no one like You among the gods, O Lord, Nor are there any works like Yours” (Psalm 86:8). (2 Samuel 2:2).

Who made God? God could not have been created by anyone, as everything had to begin someplace. Somewhere, that is God. That someone is God. If that’s the case, let’s put this impossibility out of our minds and discover more about God the Unmoved Mover, who made us all and has a purpose for us all!


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