Which church is the right one?

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With so many churches in existence today, it might be challenging to determine which one best teaches the Bible and complies with Jesus’ teachings. Is there a single authentic church?

Founded on apostles and prophets

Jesus gave the eleven apostles leadership of His church in Matthew 28. “I have all power, both here on earth and in heaven. So go and make disciples of all peoples, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And lo and behold, till the end of time, I am by your side. Matthew 28:18–20

Then, according to Acts 1:15-26, this group of eleven disciples selected another apostle to succeed Judas. And afterwards, in a vision from heaven, Jesus Himself named Paul an apostle (Acts 9). However, there haven’t been any more apostles after this bunch. As directed by Jesus, these apostles preached, baptized, and conducted missions. In order for the ministry of Jesus to be faithfully continued, they also selected elders in the churches they founded (Titus 1:5, 2 Timothy 2:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 2 Thessalonians 3:6). Apostles and prophets laid the foundation for the church, but these roles are no longer held by church members today (Ephesians 2:20).

Churches split

There was only one church till the year 1054 AD. The church at that time separated into the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church because to the rejection by many churches of the idea that the pope, who was once the bishop of Rome, was the only authority in the church. Many additional churches (today referred to as “Protestant”) broke away from the Catholic Church five centuries later. They objected, claiming that Jesus’ mission and the gospel message had been tainted by the Roman Catholic Church. Protestantism has divided into numerous branches and divisions over the years.

So which is the correct choice? The Protestant Reformation was underway in the sixteenth century. John Calvin, a theologian and pastor, was frequently asked by individuals if they ought to quit their church. There were other churches during the period that fell somewhere between Catholic and Protestant, without being overtly either. If Calvin’s church is genuine, then one ought to remain a member. Instead of abandoning that church because it did not teach or operate in accordance with the Bible exactly, try to further reform it.

A legitimate church, according to Calvin, is one that dutifully administers the Sacraments—the Lord’s Supper and baptism—and preaches the true Gospel. We wouldn’t have enough time to fully explain the Gospel and Sacraments at this time. To sum up, though, a church can be said to be teaching the real Gospel if it teaches repentance and faith for salvation [by grace alone via faith alone through Christ alone].

The true Gospel of Christ

Beyond these fundamentals, authentic Christians have different beliefs. About other things including the type of baptism, church hierarchy, gender roles, and spiritual gifts.

Find a church that proclaims the authentic Gospel of Christ, administers the Sacraments correctly, and is correct on as many other matters as you can identify if you are unclear of which church teaches the correct manner that Jesus left to his apostles. After that, make a commitment to that church, absorb its teachings, show love for its members, yield to its leadership, and, if there are any areas in which that church deviates from the Bible, gradually strive for reform in the name of Christian humility.


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