Where is Jesus now?

Where is Jesus now?

About two millennia ago, Jesus was born, lived to be about thirty years old, died on the cross, rose from the dead, and then, forty days later, [went back to heaven] (Luke 24:50–51). And Jesus is still in paradise today. The Bible contains numerous verses that instruct us on this topic.

At the right hand of God

In Romans 8:34, Paul informs us that Jesus is [at God’s right hand]. Jesus holds the highest position of honor imaginable because He is sitting at God’s right side. According to the letter of Ephesians, God raised Jesus from the dead, after which he sat at the right side of the heavenly realms, far beyond every rule and authority, and God subdued everything (Ephesians 1:21-23). After reading these words, one cannot possibly be unclear about Jesus’ location or His status as the leader.

There is an incident recounted in the book of Acts where Jesus is seen to be physically present at God’s right hand. Acts 7:55 describes how Stephen, one of the seven men picked to assist in caring for the church, saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God after he was stoned. The Lord Jesus cares deeply for the well-being of his disciples even if He is no longer physically present on earth. When Stephen was in excruciating bodily pain, he was consoled by him when he witnessed his suffering.

Why did Jesus go to heaven?

What made Jesus ascend to heaven? He clarifies in John 16 that the church will benefit from His departure in order for the Holy Spirit to arrive. According to what Jesus says in John 16:7-9, He will send the Helper, who will convict the world of sin, judgment, and righteousness as well as teach, lead, and assist the church in comprehending the truth. In order to make a home for everyone who believes in Him, Jesus ascended to heaven (John 14:2-3). By faith in the name of Jesus Christ, we know that we shall be welcomed into heaven and that our Savior has prepared a home for us when we pass away.

Jesus went to heaven to continue with His ministry as a Mediator between God and people. Romans 8:34 teaches us that He is interceding for us. “Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died – more than that, who was raised – who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” With Christ on your side, there is nothing to fear: He died for sins, conquered death, and He was lifted up to the place of greatest honor and speaks on your behalf in the presence of God. Thank God that Jesus is at the best possible place He can be and that He sent the Holy Spirit to guide you and transform you, and keep you safe until the day you will join Jesus in heaven and see Him face to face.


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