Where is God’s presence in suffering?

Where is God's presence in suffering?

There is a great deal of pain in our shattered world. The Christian life includes suffering as well (Romans 8:17). The Bible does not support the idea that if you believe in God, He will instantly solve all of your problems, cure your illness, and end your poverty.

Wonderful inheritance

While we live in this world, we can be sure that pain is a part of the deal because God has prepared for us a glorious inheritance where illness, death, and suffering are things of the past (Revelation 21:1-4). (2 Corinthians 1:5).

“We know that for those who love God all things work together for good,” according to Romans 8:28, referring to all that occurs in our life, including illness, the death of loved ones, and material loss. Even those ugly things are utilized by God for a good purpose, namely to carve out the image to His Son in us. God utilizes those things to “conform us to the likeness of His Son” (Romans 8:29).

God is with us

Romans 8:36 quotes from Psalm 44. Psalm 44 is a complaint to God that He has rejected His people, that He has sold them as sheep for slaughter. In Romans 8 the complaint is turned around. Suffering does not mean that God has rejected us. This chapter assures us that even in the midst of pain and suffering, God is right there with us. Nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:37-39). Jesus died on the cross and in those dark hours, He was separated from God’s love (Matthew 27:46). He bore our iniquities. Through His suffering we can now be assured of God’s steadfast love for us under all circumstances. Suffering can feel like big, uncontrollable waves that seem to overwhelm and consume us. Psalm 42:7 talks of this experience. But God is right there in the middle of it, right with the person who is hurting, as the Rock who can be trusted. He is a shelter we can flee to at all times (Psalm 18:2; 27:5).

How does God’s presence in suffering make a difference?

What difference does God’s presence make in suffering? If it doesn’t end the suffering, how does it help us? God intended for us to be near Him. It is for a relationship with Him that He made us. He takes the brokenness in today’s shattered world and works it out to our advantage. He pulls us to His bosom with the sorrow we experience in life. He therefore fulfills the reason for our existence, which is to have a close relationship with him.

How do we react to this circumstance? We could be angry with God for allowing suffering in our lives. We might conclude that this is a cause to reject him. If we do, we will not reap the benefits that pain can bestow. If we allow it, God can use even the worst things that happen to us—including consequences from our own sins—to bring us closer to Himself.

The glory that will be revealed

The grandeur that will be shown to us will surpass all of the sorrow that exists in this world (Romans 8:18). It’s not worth comparing to, Paul claims. In other words, there will be far more glory than there will ever be pain. Although it may be extremely difficult to accept, the Bible reminds us that this is the truth, and that truth sets us free (John 8:32).


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