What will happen to animals on judgment day?


There are no scriptures in the Bible about this particular topic. However, there is still plenty to be said about how humans and animals vary from one another. Animals are not made in the image of God, but humans are (Genesis 1:26-27). Animals cannot enter into a [connection with God], but humans can. Unlike animals, humans participate in religious activities. The human need to connect with God is unique.

God seeks reconciliation on a personal, individual level.

Even though all of creation was affected when Adam and Eve sinned, it is only with human beings that God seeks reconciliation on a personal, individual level. God desires a personal relationship with men and women and He opened the way for that through his Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:19-22). Each person who puts his or her trust in Jesus will be saved and reconciled with God (1 John 4:15). There is no Bible verse indicating that animals also need to put their trust in Jesus. It is on a more general level that creation, including animals, were reconciled to God. When Jesus died on the cross, He ‘reconciled to (God) all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.’(Colossians 1:20)

Animals will remain part of God’s creation

The Bible gives no reason to believe that when animals die, they go to heaven. When a dog dies, that is simply the end of it. However, there is a passage in Isaiah that talks about animals living peacefully together with each other and with mankind (Isaiah 11:6-9). This probably refers to the situation on the new earth (although some scholars believe this is just imagery, referring to political powers). So probably there will be animals on the new earth, but there is no reason to believe that these animals are resurrected animals.  It will be human beings and not animals who will be judged on judgment day. Jesus promises that He will raise up to eternal life each person who ‘looks on Jesus and believes in Him’ (John 6:40). This passage refers to human beings only. Also in Revelation 20:11-15 where the last judgment is described, only people are mentioned.

Taking care of God’s creation

Genesis 1:28 states that God gave man the authority to rule over the animal kingdom. This is only additional proof that humans, not animals, are the creatures that God made. It also implies that we ought to constantly treat animals with respect. We shouldn’t treat animals like they have human rights because they are undoubtedly not on par with us, but we should nonetheless provide them with the food and shelter they require. Animals should never be neglected or treated cruelly by Christians. God has given us everything, and we ought to treat it with care. “The mercy of the wicked is cruel; whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast.” (Psalms 12:10)


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