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What will happen on earth after the coming of the Lord?

What will happen on earth after the coming of the Lord?

The right response to this query is that nothing will occur on Earth since Earth will no longer exist. “The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up,” according to what Peter stated regarding the Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:10, KJV). The planet Earth as we know it will have ended. This is a result of what the Lord has better in store for us. Peter continues, saying, “But we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells according to His promise” (2 Peter 3:13).

The new earth

Thus, perhaps a better way to put the issue would be, “What will happen on the new earth?” How will the new earth’s life be like? It will be a place of righteousness, as we have already experienced. Sin will have no place there. We are already homesick for the new planet because of that alone. However, the Bible offers far more insight into it.

The best depiction of the new earth can be found in Revelation 21–22. It’s obvious that John’s description of the new earth’s glory falls short of reality. However, a few things are evident. The new Jerusalem is descending to earth from heaven (21:2). Thus, the new earth is where heaven is. God will live on the new earth with humans, where He also resides (21:3). Death, grief, tears, and agony shall all be eliminated (21:4). Beyond our wildest dreams, the new Jerusalem and the center of the new earth will be breathtakingly gorgeous (21:9–23).

Exciting future

Some individuals find it difficult to become enthused about eternal life because they imagine it to be a bodyless existence filled with endless song. But the picture painted by the Bible is even more detailed than that. Even while it’s not always obvious how much of the description of the new earth and the new Jerusalem is symbolic, it should encourage us to [be thrilled about eternal life].

New bodies and the presence of the Lord

God first assures us that we will have new bodies when we get on the new earth. Paul likens these bodies to a wheat plant compared to a wheat seed because they will be so much more splendid than our current bodies (1 Corinthians 15:35-49). Second, being in the presence of the Lord will be the primary draw of the new earth (Revelation 21:3, 21:22, 22:3). There’s never a shortage of new information regarding God. Relishing His presence is a never-ending experience.

Wide variety of exciting things

Thirdly, there will be a ton of fun activities for us to partake in. There will be enough to discover in the new heaven and earth that God is creating for us! God extends an invitation to the marriage feast of the Lamb, where we will partake in the finest food and beverages imaginable (Revelation 19:6-10). No matter how figurative that is intended to be, actual food will undoubtedly be consumed. In the kingdom of His Father, Jesus promised the disciples that He would partake of wine once more with them (Matthew 26:29).

Productive work

As we read that the glory and honor of the nations will be brought into the new Jerusalem, there will also be fruitful work done on the new earth for God’s glory. In addition, according to Revelation 22:3, we shall spend time in adoration of God and we will rule with him forever (Revelation 22:5).

There is a great deal about life on the new world that we do not understand and cannot fathom. But since God is preparing it for us, we can be sure it will be both incredibly thrilling and incredibly fulfilling. Avoid missing it due to incredulity!

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