What makes God so powerful?

What makes God so powerful?

The most magnificent, potent, and ideal being in existence is God. Simply by speaking (Genesis 1), God [made the universe] from nothing (Hebrews 11:3), and everything exists now only because God continues to sustain it (Acts 17:28). God deserves all thanks because of this (Revelation 4:11). According to Jeremiah 32:18, he is the one powerful and almighty God, whose “greatness is unsearchable” (Psalm 145:3). Therefore, worshiping anything or any “god” other than Him is forbidden (Exodus 20:3–4).

No-one is greater than God

Hebrews 6:13–14 is another verse that clarifies why God is the greatest entity in the universe. These verses make the following argument: Do you recall how God swore an oath to verify His promise to bless Abraham? Generally speaking, when someone takes an oath, they do it under the authority of someone higher than themselves, right? However, did you observe by whom God swore? He made a self-promise! It follows that no one could possibly be bigger than God since, in the event that there were, God would have sworn by that person rather than by Himself! Given that God made the vow by Himself, it is evident that no one is greater than Him.

In order to respond to the query, “What makes God so powerful?” We have to state unequivocally that God is strong by nature and that nothing makes Him so. Ultimately, if God need another person to give Him power, that person would have greater power than God, which is impossible as no one is stronger than God, as we have seen.

God is very different from us

We sometimes find this difficult to comprehend because God is so different from us. Since we are all created beings, our existence depends on someone else. However, God is independent; He is not created. God is the only source of existence. Yahweh, the name of God himself, provides an indication as to this. The Hebrew verb “to be” appears to be connected to the name “Yahweh,” signifying either “I am Who I am” or “I will be Who I Will be” (Exodus 3:14). God is the root of all creation and is neither defined by nor dependent upon anybody else; rather, He existing only in Himself.

Jesus Christ shares God’s divine nature

Interestingly enough, the Bible also tells us that [Jesus Christ is divine]! For instance, the early church acknowledged Jesus’ repeated claims to be the one who called God “I AM” (John 6:35; 8:12; 10:7, 11; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1), and this was confirmed by Isaiah 45:22–23. According to John 1:1–3, Colossians 1:16–33, and Psalm 33:6, Jesus is a coworker of God in the creation and maintenance of the universe (Hebrews 1:3). In addition, Jesus performs acts of God alone, such as accepting adoration (John 20:28–29; see Exodus 34:14), having the power to pardon sins (Mark 2:5–12; see Micah 7:18), and judging the world (John 5:22; see Genesis 18:25). This demonstrates to us that Jesus is, in fact, God’s everlasting Son.

God’s greatness is a warning and an encouragement

These facts serve as a reminder and a source of inspiration for us. Let’s return to Hebrews 6 to see both of these in order to wrap up.

  1. Initially, the caution. Hebrews 6:4–8 forewarns us that disbelieving in Jesus Christ, the “Son of God,” and “subjecting Him to public disgrace” are grave sins that could result in our “curse.”
  2. Second, though, is the inspiration. The encouragement found in Hebrews 6:18–20 is that Jesus Christ is likewise “a high priest forever.” God offers us the chance to partake in the blessing He has promised to Abraham via Jesus. Our hope of redemption is assured if we place our trust in God because He is faultless, never lies, and so strong that no plan can ever be stopped: “We who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.” This hope serves as a solid and stable anchor for our souls.


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