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What is the relationship between Adam, Israel, and Christ?

There are a few worthy candidates that spring to mind when someone asks who the principal character of the Old Testament is. We may decide between the Israelites and Adam. Nevertheless, we must declare that [Christ is the major character] of the entire Bible in light of the Bible’s unity and the idea that “the Old Testament is unveiled in the New and the New Testament lies hidden in the Old” (St. Augustine). He is the “true Israel” and the “last Adam.”

Christ and Adam

Christ came to earth in order to do what Adam was unable to do in the Garden of Eden. It is clear from the letter to the Romans that Adam was a prototype for a higher person who would follow. Paul tells us that Christ is this “greater” person. He refers to Him as “the last Adam” in his epistle to the Corinthians. Adam represented all of humanity, while Christ represented all of His followers. Thus, [the first Adam’s sin led to condemnation for all mankind], but the latter Adam’s goodness leads to his people’s salvation and life. Read 1 Corinthians 15:45 and Romans 5:18–19.

Through Christ, the church restored the connection with God that Adam had lost. We can only enter God’s presence freely and eternally by Christ.

Christ and Israel

Moses intended for the people of Israel to learn from the book of Genesis that they were obligated to undo the damage that Adam had committed. They were commanded to grow God’s kingdom and turn to him. But the Israelites breached the old covenant, just as Adam broke the covenant of works. Israel then makes a different reference. Unlike the people of Israel, who were referred to in the Old Testament as “the vine” symbolically, Jesus Himself declared that He was the “true vine”. Thus the kingdom of God could come to rest on Christ, the real and larger Israel. (Read John 15:1, Jeremiah 2:21, and Hosea 6:7).

After establishing the kingdom of God during His first advent, Christ is currently working via His church to complete it during His second advent.

Christ is the main character of the Old Testament

In summary, Christ is the primary figure in both the Old and New Testaments, and His atoning action on the cross is God’s only redemptive scheme. A part of that grand design, which Christ came to reveal and accomplish, includes Adam and Israel. We are grateful to God for bringing Christ Jesus, the genuine Israel and the final Adam!

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