What is the difference between trials and temptations?

What is the difference between trials and temptations?

What distinguishes these two footballs from one another? Nothing major, a football is a football, that’s all. That is the right response. The way the footballs are being used offers an alternative perspective. One is a toy and the other is a weapon if it is used to intentionally smash a window while the other is used by kids to play with. Trials and temptations work similarly.

Difficult situation

In the New Testament, there is only one Greek word for what we would call difficulties and temptations. It’s a challenging circumstance. Whether we refer to a tough situation as a trial or a temptation depends on its aim and our response to it.

To grow or demolish our faith

God places us in trying circumstances in order to strengthen our faith. This is known as a trial. The adversary deliberately places us in trying circumstances in order to undermine our faith. This is known as a temptation. Furthermore, it becomes a temptation if our circumstances lead us to want to sin. Certain situations become temptations because of the devil’s plan and our inherent tendency toward immorality. Let’s see how the Bible handles this.

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,” is what James 1:2 says. Thus, a trial is beneficial. Why? Because it puts our faith to the test and produces steadfastness, which results in completion and perfection (James 1:4). Trials of this nature are a benefit since they get us ready for eternal life (James 1:12).

However, we also learn in the same chapter that we could react incorrectly to our difficulties. At that point, the term “temptation” in English is appropriate to characterize the circumstance. God is not to be blamed for that at all. Our own desires are the source of sin, and sin ultimately results in death (James 1:14–15).

No reason to despair

However, there’s no need to give up. Paul states: “No temptation that is not common to man has overcome you.” God is dependable; he won’t allow you to succumb to temptation beyond your control. However, when temptation arises, he will also give a route out so that you can bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13). He basically says that giving in to temptation is a natural aspect of being human. Temptations will always exist. However, God provides everything you require to resist temptation if you identify as a Christian. You follow [the Holy Spirit’s guidance].

Do you still worry that temptation will lead you astray? That’s excellent. Overconfidence is a surefire way to stumble and fall. The Bible makes it quite evident that prayer can keep us from giving in to temptation. “Pray and keep an eye out so you are not tempted” (Mark 14:38).

Therefore, whatever the trial you are going through, have faith that God will strengthen your faith. Pray to stay obedient to God and avoid sin, no matter what temptations you are facing.


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