What is the difference between holiness and righteousness?

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The short explanation is this: when we have faith in Jesus, God weighs his goodness instead of our sins, making us righteous. As we submit to God more and more throughout our life, we are becoming holy.

Being righteous

To be virtuous is to be accepted by God. The term “righteous” is first used in the Bible to describe someone, and Noah is described as “a righteous man, blameless in his generation.” Genesis 6:9 states, “Noah walked with God.” Here, we see the two components of righteousness: walking in a relationship with God and acting morally (i.e., being blameless).

In the Old Testament, this is frequently linked to God’s law. The godly are described as having “his delight in the law of the LORD” in Psalm 1. What you should do is what the law is about. However, since it is the Lord’s law, carrying out that action is joyful. Thus, once more, acting morally and maintaining a healthy relationship go hand in hand.

At the end of the day, righteousness depends on faith. Paul makes a solid case for this in Romans 3–5, using Abraham’s story from Genesis 15:6 to further his argument: “And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.” Paul therefore uses the phrase “righteousness,” which is something we receive when we believe in God’s promises rather than something we do. By having trust in Jesus, we are accepted by God and have our sins forgiven.

Being holy

To be holy is to be designated for God. It can be applied to people (a holy priest), things (a holy altar), or time (a holy day). Because of their set apart status for God, all believers are rendered holy, also known as sanctified. One instance of this is seen in 1 Corinthians 6:11: “Yet in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God, you were washed, sanctified, and justified.”

In addition, there is a sense in which the process of becoming holy is ongoing rather than a singular occurrence. “May the God of peace himself sanctify you completely,” reads 1 Thessalonians 5:23. We are developing our faith as we coexist with God. We are increasingly being transformed into the image of Jesus. We exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit more and more. That is how we become holy. Only in heaven, when we are with God will this process be finished.

What we are and what we become

Saying that we are virtuous and on the path to being holy is one approach to differentiate between the two. Because of our faith in Christ, we are virtuous, and as our faith in Christ deepens, we are sanctified. Christ’s death on the cross has made us righteous since it happened outside of ourselves. God has done this for us. Nothing that we are doing is contributing to that. When we believe, we simply get God’s favor for our virtue. We are growing more and more like Christ, and this is what is causing us to become holy. God is at work in us in this way. Though we actively participate in it and carry it out, it is still God’s job.


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