What is spiritual growth?


Your relationship with God begins the instant you accept Christ as your Savior. God has vindicated everyone who has trusted in Jesus Christ and accepted the Holy Spirit. However, that is not the entire tale. The process of “sanctification” starts the minute God freely justifies an individual. Another name for sanctification is “spiritual growth.” However, what really is spiritual development? And how does it operate?

Image of God visible in us

The Bible pictures spiritual growth as a way of increasing beauty and purity in the lives of God’s children. The object of the Christian’s life is no longer himself, but the Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore, the beauty in the life of a Christian is not his own beauty, but the image of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks about the ‘putting off’ of the old self and the ‘putting on’ of the new person. For example, we read in Colossians 3:1-17 a beautiful description of spiritual growth. The image of God, our Creator, becomes more visible in us. Beautiful virtues like honesty, genuine love, forgiveness, kindness, and speaking the truth will grow. It is as though you meet Christ Himself when you meet a Christian.

Spiritual growth is hard, but it’s worth it

But is spiritual growth easy? No, it’s not. Proverbs 24:16 reads like this: “The righteous falls sevens times and rises again…” Jesus Himself warns His followers that “the narrow way leads to life” (Matthew 7:13-14). The writer of Hebrews says that Christians must pursue “the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). Paul the apostle acknowledges that Christians face a spiritual battle, a conflict, between the flesh and the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). But don’t be discouraged because you face temptations or trials, for God has called you to become like Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). What a glorious day it will be when you pass the finish line of this narrow way! Then, the image of Jesus Christ will be seen perfectly in you. No more sin. No more spot, nor blemish.

Be with Jesus

You will shine like Jesus on that day when you are with Him forever! Show bravery! The power of God will preserve a Christian’s life. Your place in God’s hands is assured if you follow Jesus Christ. You might develop into the person that Christ has made you. Remember this: Jesus is the center of your spiritual development, not you. Turn to Him! Consider what He has accomplished for you. Tell you again who He wants to be. He is able to save to the uttermost all who draw near to God, through Him, therefore focus on His plan for your life (Hebrews 7:25).

Eternal glory

God promises never to abandon you (Hebrews 13:5–6). By use of His Holy Spirit, He transforms you. It is your duty to make use of the tools God has provided in His written Word. Thus, obey what Christ says, study your Bible, pray, spend time with your family, and follow his teachings (John 8:32). Eternal glory awaits at the end of the path. These words from the apostle Paul should give you hope:

And as we all see the splendor of the Lord with our faces uncovered, we are gradually becoming more and more like him. Because the Spirit, who is the Lord, is the source of this (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Abraham as the model example of faith

Try reading [the account of Abraham] cover to cover in one sitting if you’d like a very instructive illustration of what spiritual growth looks like (Genesis 11:27-25:11). The reason Abraham’s tale opens Genesis is because he is regarded in the New Testament as the epitome of faith (Romans 4; Galatians 3:6; Hebrews 11:8). Observe that he encounters some of the same issues and commits some of the same errors repeatedly (e.g. compare Genesis 12:10–20 and Genesis 20:1–18).

Abraham continues to make mistakes, yet his faith nevertheless deepens. For instance, in Genesis 15:2, he finds it difficult to accept God’s assurance of an heir. In Genesis 16, he decides to create an heir on his own. Genesis 22: willing to give up his heir because he has such a great trust in God.

Every day, Abraham made a lot of mistakes while attempting to trust God, but he never gave up; instead, he got back up and continued. Which is possibly the closest thing you could call “the secret” to living a Christian life: learn how to get back up and keep going after you fall into sin or discouragement by saying “I’m sorry” to Jesus and [asking Him for help].One of the most crucial things to learn on the path to becoming a mature Christian is how to deal with failure.


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