What is pride?

“You secretly declared, ‘I will reach heaven; I will rise above God’s stars… I will become like the Most High.'” (Isaiah 14:13–14)

Being overly confident in oneself and elevating oneself above others is a sign of pride. In Isaiah 14, this is aptly illustrated. Although these are addressed to the king of Babylon, they regrettably also apply to a great number of other people. They capture the essence of pride in humanity, or perhaps pride in all humanity. For this has also been done by celestial entities. A sect of angels rebelled against God before humanity were even created. Isaiah 14 might possibly be about them.

People frequently believe that we are self-sufficient and that we can function just fine without God. However, if we take a moment to reflect on the nature of God and the human race, it quickly becomes evident how ridiculous it is to compare ourselves to the Most High. We are as “dust on the scales” in His eyes (see Isaiah 40:15). We want to compare ourselves to our coworkers, neighbors, or family members and say things in subtle ways. Nonetheless, the fundamental component of pride never changes: the need to feel superior to and more significant than others. superior to us in importance and quality.

Do you think your character fits any of these descriptions? What are your thoughts about that?


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