What is living according to the Spirit?

Many people believe that Romans 8 represents the pinnacle of the Bible. The epistle to the Romans has been compared to the Bible’s Himalayas. And the Everest is found in Romans 8. The lifestyles of believers are outlined in Romans 8. It says, in essence, that they live in accordance with the Spirit. However, what does that actually mean?

Life according to the Spirit is a transformed life

  • To begin with, living in accordance with the Spirit entails being freed from the grip of death and the law of sin (Romans 8:2). Paul claimed that those who do not believe in God must be sinners previously in Romans. It is a law of nature. They’re unable to act otherwise. A person without God must sin, just as a stone you let go of inevitably fall. However, that law is breached if you believe. You have been released from that.
  • Second, living by the Spirit means that the righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled in us (Romans 8:4) and that we have been given the power to overcome sin (Romans 8:13). The law is good, but people without God do not have the power to live by the law. But, Paul says, we do. We can say “no” to sin. By this he does not mean that we keep the law so that God will love us. No, we have already been adopted as children of God. And now we have received the power to do what the law always said we should do, but we couldn’t do it. Now we do it out of love for the Lord Jesus. He said, “Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me” (John 14:21).
  • Third, our desires have altered when we live in accordance with the Spirit. “Because individuals who follow their fleshly desires focus on material possessions, whereas those who follow their spiritual desires focus on spiritual things” (Romans 8:5). You yearn to exalt and exalt God. Being involved in a church where God is exalted is not a chore; rather, it is a privilege. You devote your time and resources to evangelism and missions because you want everyone to hear the gospel. You desire to assist others because you long for them to reach their destiny.
  • Fourth, we [have become children of God] when we live by the Spirit. “We call out to you, Father, since you have been given the Spirit of Adoption as Sons! Dad! (Romans 8:15). Your Father is God. This offers a guarantee that is unchangeable. God is not like a father who ever deserts His kids. He is our owner, and He will always be our owner. That makes me really happy.

Fighting against sin

I must say that I am very happy that in this section it also says, “If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:13) and not “If by the Spirit you have put to death the deeds of the body, you will live”. The latter phrase would mean that sin is behind us. For by “the deeds of the body” is meant our old self and our sinful tendencies. But the phrase is written in the present tense. Sin must be continually resisted and killed by the power of the Spirit. That is never behind us. It is quite true that sin continues to pull at us. Paul described that in Romans 7. But it is also absolutely true that we live by the power of the Spirit, overcoming sin. That is what we read in Romans 8.

Thus, it is healthy to be concerned about your sin. Since you will then wish to eradicate the sin. If your transgressions do not bother you, then the question is: [Aren’t you missing something?] How are you carrying out the biblical mandate to destroy the body’s deeds? Are you the first person after Jesus to never have to deal with sin? It’s more likely that you’re thinking about it too lightly if you feel that way!

Assurance of faith

There are many who consider it seriously as well. “Excellent!” is what I reply when someone tells me, “Pastor, I am so burdened by sin.” Then stop doing it immediately. Then, having concerns about your sin shouldn’t cause you to question your salvation. Surety of faith is precisely what Romans 8 addresses. It starts with this assurance: people who are in Christ Jesus are not subject to judgment (Romans 8:1). When it discusses the fight against sin here, it has already established this. Here, being a child of God is at stake. Romans 8:14 asks, “Who are children of God?” those who follow the guidance of God’s Spirit.

How can you tell whether the Spirit of God is guiding you? Romans 8:13 states that the deeds of the body are put to death by the Spirit. When would you like to eradicate sin? Naturally, when it bothers you! Therefore, resist the urge to allow your fault cause you to lose your [assurance of faith]. Quite the opposite—having doubts about your sin is a crucial sign of your faith.

The objective knowledge that there is eternal life via faith in Christ becomes a subjective assurance in your heart if you live in accordance with the Spirit and fight against sin. Then, according to Romans 8:16, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” Situations might be challenging. It is even possible for church members to assault one another. Maybe the devil tries to cast doubt on you. It makes no difference because you are deeply convinced that you are a child of God by the Spirit of God.


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