What is Halloween all about?

Perhaps you have always enjoyed Halloween and the candy that comes with it since you grew up celebrating it every year. Perhaps you were unaware of Halloween until recently and are taken aback by the abundance of spooky pictures and decorations that are now available in stores. Given that it originated in America and Europe, is it a Christian thing? Or is it anything sinister due to the numerous witches and ghosts?

Halloween is an old practice

The answer is not so simple because Halloween is a long-standing custom with additions from many eras, countries, and religious contexts. The Christian holiday known as “All Hallows” or “All saints,” which is observed on November 1st, is associated with the word “Halloween.” The church traditionally celebrates this day to joyfully recall the lives of the saints and martyrs who have ascended to paradise before us.

Praying for souls

But a lot of pre-Christian (pagan) and non-Biblical customs and beliefs were also incorporated into the church. such as making sacrifices for the deceased or praying for souls that were thought to be outside of heaven. There was also a belief that the dead’s ghosts would wander the planet until All Saints Day and use Halloween as their final opportunity to exact retribution on those they detested. To avoid being recognized by the spirits, individuals would dress up for this reason. Another (pagan) custom involved people playing games to attempt and predict their fates.


Horror films and stories have entered the celebration, and in recent decades, the entertainment industry has truly taken over, adding gory decorations and rituals. It’s become a festival when things that are typically repulsive and frightful are parodied.

While the customs of each nation vary, they are all centered around the idea of death and spiritual matters. As Christians, there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to handle it, and I address that in my next essay, “What to do for Halloween as a Christian?”


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